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Feedback: 'Integrating with Azure Application Insights' #6446

Open bbrandt opened 7 months ago

bbrandt commented 7 months ago

Feedback for 'Integrating with Azure Application Insights'

Location in GitHub:

This statement mentions retries, processing time, and critical time:

It is possible to gather performance metrics like Processing Time and Critical Time as well as data on the number of immediate and delayed retries.

But this links to a sample that does not seem to publish retries, processing time, and critical time:

For more details, see this sample.

List of metrics from the sample:

Metrics: nservicebus.messaging.successes nservicebus.messaging.failures nservicebus.messaging.fetches

DavidBoike commented 7 months ago

Thanks Ben,

We're consolidating some samples in anticipation of the release of NServiceBus 9 and it looks like the task force got a little over-zealous and redirected the old sample that talked about all those things to the newer OpenTelemetry sample that doesn't quite do all those things. We're going to look at bringing those concepts over to the OTel sample to have a best of both worlds. Stay tuned.

andreasohlund commented 6 months ago

@bbrandt FYI we are working on the expanded sample over here if you are curious

andreasohlund commented 3 weeks ago

@SzymonPobiega @lailabougria, did we add the mentioned metric natively in v9.1?

lailabougria commented 3 weeks ago

We did:

andreasohlund commented 3 weeks ago

@lailabougria so we can go through the v9 samples and remove the shims right?


SzymonPobiega commented 3 weeks ago

Yes, we are doing it as part of