This is an academic adaptation of the LIGGGHTS software package, released by the Department of Particulate Flow Modelling at Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria
Hello everyone,
When i ran the following code, the particles position is same to the initial state. The command "displace_atoms" does not appear to be running. Any help?Thank you !!!
echo both
atom_style granular
atom_modify map array
communicate single vel yes
boundary m m m
newton off
units si
region reg block -0.2 1.0 -0.1 0.16 -0.5 0.15 units box
create_box 1 reg
neighbor 0.005 bin
neigh_modify delay 0 one 10000
fix m1 all property/global youngsModulus peratomtype 5.e6
fix m2 all property/global poissonsRatio peratomtype 0.45
fix m3 all property/global coefficientRestitution peratomtypepair 1 0.3 #0.9
fix m4 all property/global coefficientFriction peratomtypepair 1 0.5 #0.3
pair_style gran model hertz tangential history # Hertzian without cohesion
region bc block 0 0.08 0 0.15 0 0.1 units box
fix pts1 all particletemplate/sphere 1 atom_type 1 density constant 2500 radius constant 0.00135
fix pdd1 all particledistribution/discrete 1 1 pts1 1.0
fix ins all insert/pack seed 100001 distributiontemplate pdd1 vel constant 0. 0. 0 insert_every once overlapcheck yes volumefraction_region 0.48 region bc
Hello everyone, When i ran the following code, the particles position is same to the initial state. The command "displace_atoms" does not appear to be running. Any help?Thank you !!!
echo both atom_style granular atom_modify map array communicate single vel yes
boundary m m m newton off
units si
region reg block -0.2 1.0 -0.1 0.16 -0.5 0.15 units box create_box 1 reg
neighbor 0.005 bin neigh_modify delay 0 one 10000
fix m1 all property/global youngsModulus peratomtype 5.e6 fix m2 all property/global poissonsRatio peratomtype 0.45 fix m3 all property/global coefficientRestitution peratomtypepair 1 0.3 #0.9 fix m4 all property/global coefficientFriction peratomtypepair 1 0.5 #0.3
pair_style gran model hertz tangential history # Hertzian without cohesion pair_coeff
timestep 0.00001 fix gravi all gravity 9.81 vector 0.0 0.0 -1.0
region bc block 0 0.08 0 0.15 0 0.1 units box fix pts1 all particletemplate/sphere 1 atom_type 1 density constant 2500 radius constant 0.00135 fix pdd1 all particledistribution/discrete 1 1 pts1 1.0
fix ins all insert/pack seed 100001 distributiontemplate pdd1 vel constant 0. 0. 0 insert_every once overlapcheck yes volumefraction_region 0.48 region bc
group tool type 1
displace_atoms tool rotate 0 0 0 0 1 0 45 units box