Parziphal / parse

Parse with an Eloquent-like interface for Laravel
MIT License
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Use with laravel passport api auth ? #28

Open hopye opened 5 years ago

hopye commented 5 years ago

Is there a way to use this to auth via laravels api passport ?

I have my ios app set up to use parse with my local parse server, normal login and facebook login ?

So lets say i initiate facebook login in my ios app , how do i go about letting my laravel api i have logged in via parse with facebook and then set the correct user in my laravel api and keep the user logged ? Also creating the laravel user if first time login and it doesnt exists..

Best regards

hopye commented 5 years ago

can i integrate this with passport for api login ? How should i go about it ?

My app is an ios app with parse and has normal and facebook login ? How should i login vis parse and let my api im logged in via parse and to create “this user” or log it in ? Also to recognize if the user did logged in vi parse Facebook or Normal and handle it correctly and save the user to the db etc if it id a new user

Parziphal commented 5 years ago

Hello, sorry for late reply. I've never used Laravel Passport before, so I don't know what you'd like to do nor how to do it, sorry.