Pas-Kapli / mptp

mPTP - a tool for single-locus species delimitation
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Segmentation fault on mcmc run #87

Open PrestonMcDonald opened 3 years ago

PrestonMcDonald commented 3 years ago

WARNING: A speciation edge is smaller than the specified minimum branch length. WARNING: A speciation edge is smaller than the specified minimum branch length. WARNING: A speciation edge is smaller than the specified minimum branch length. WARNING: A speciation edge is smaller than the specified minimum branch length. WARNING: A speciation edge is smaller than the specified minimum branch length. WARNING: A speciation edge is smaller than the specified minimum branch length. /export/uge/default/spool/compute-3-53/compute-3-53/job_scripts/1946212: line 14: 447 Segmentation fault (core dumped) /home/presmcdo/software/mptp-0.2.4-linux-x86_64/bin/mptp --tree_file cicurina_all.raxml.bestTree --output_file cicurina_mptp_mc --minbr 0.0022640000 cicCOI.fa --mcmc 500000000 --mcmc_sample 100 --mcmc_runs 6 --mcmc_startrandom --mcmc_log --multi --tree_show

PS: Reducing the number of runs from 6 to 4 along with reducing from 500m generations to 6.25m and everything ran smoopthly. Possibly related?

xflouris commented 3 years ago

Hi @PrestonMcDonald , could you please send me your data files to my email? best, tomas

xflouris commented 3 years ago

I don't think that's related. It's either a problem with the server you are running it on, or a bug in the program that happens only in rare cases and depends on the starting seed