PascalMinder / geoblock

Traefik middleware plugin - Deny requests based on country of origin
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Can we have a (pre)release with latest log modifications? #11

Closed JacoboSanchez closed 2 years ago

JacoboSanchez commented 2 years ago

I was opening an issue for the database cache logs printed always when I observed that latest commit does prevent exactly that. Can we have it in a release version? Is there a way to configure the plugin to work on latest github branch without generating a release?

PascalMinder commented 2 years ago

Thanks for opening the issue. I am sorry. I think I forgot to create a new release after the last two commits.

I am uncertain if updating to the newest version would break the config of older versions, since I switched to camel case in the yaml file.

PascalMinder commented 2 years ago

I created a new release:

JacoboSanchez commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much, that would help to have the log cleaner. I tried to make a fork and install as local plugin but did not managed to make Traefik use it

PascalMinder commented 2 years ago

A newer version of Traefik allows the use of local plugins. I think, this would allow you to just grab the current code and use it as a local plugin.

JacoboSanchez commented 2 years ago

Yes I know, just created the local-plugins folder in the container, posted the code and configured to use it but traefik did not start and did not show anything useful in the logs... will try again at some point when I have time. FYI: configuration seems to work without updating it to match the camel case. Thank you again!!