PascalPons / connect4

Connect 4 Solver
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Is there a way to return next possible moves with their scores efficiently? #8

Open kirarpit opened 6 years ago

kirarpit commented 6 years ago

Hey, is there an efficient way to return the scores of next possible moves just the way it's done on the website under "Show Solution"?

One way is to call the entire program 7 times with the updated strings but that's making it slower. What I believe is that we can return that in a single call but I'm not able to figure it out how since I'm not very familiar with the bitmap.

Any help would be highly appreciated! Thanks!

UPDATE: I am able to figure out how the bit masking is working, thanks to your blog post. I can now modify the code to return all possible moves with their scores but it's still going to be quite slow for initial moves specifically.

I read that you precomputed the opening data for the standard 6X7 board on the server which is why you're able to return results that fast. Can you please provide some information regarding how I could do the same on my system?


kirarpit commented 6 years ago

Well here is the way I did it but I'm sure it could be better.

First I computed the list of 5 digit numbers upto '44444' because after that, by symmetry we can produce the result for higher numbers ourselves. For example, score of 44445 would be same as the score of 44443.

def myFunc(s):
  if (not len(s) or int(s) <= int('4'*len(s))) and len(s) == 5:
  if len(s) and len(s) == 5:
  for i in range(1, 8):
    myFunc(s + str(i))


Next, I fed these number strings to the program to get a score for each of them. It took about 12 hours on my 2013 MacBook Pro. Note, if we have scores for all these numbers then we can compute the score of any other number smaller than 777777. Although, this way the program caching is not being used at its fullest since every number that we compute would have a different subTree. That's why I think it could be better.

import os, pickle, time

start = time.time()
fname = '5set'
sols = {}

def saveDict(sols):
  with open('dict', 'wb') as handle:
    pickle.dump(sols, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

def mirror(e):
  j = ""
  for i in e:
    j += str(8 - int(i))
  return j

if os.path.exists(fname):
  with open(fname) as f:
    content = f.readlines()
  for x in content:
    line = x.split()
    sols[line[0]] = int(line[1])
    sols[mirror(line[0])] = int(line[1])

def myFunc(sttr):
  if sttr in sols: return int(sols[sttr])

  score = float("+inf")
  for i in range(1, WIDTH + 1):
    score = min(score, myFunc(sttr + str(i)))
  sols[sttr] = -1 * score
  return sols[sttr]

sttr = ""

print("Time taken: " + str(time.time() - start))

And, finally this is what my main function in main.cpp file looks like

int main() {

  Solver solver;
  std::string line;

  for(int l = 1; std::getline(std::cin, line); l++) {
    Position P;
    if( == line.size())    {
      int score = solver.solve(P, false);
      std::cout << line << " " << score ;
    std::cout << std::endl;
PascalPons commented 5 years ago

You have to compute the score for all the next moves, the only efficiency improvement is to make sure you do not reset the transposition table between each call.

PascalPons commented 3 years ago

This commit: adds such ability using the new Solver::analyze() function that returns the score of all playable columns.

It can be activated with the "-a" parameter using the command line provided by the main()