PasseiDireto / gh-runner-task-action

GH Action to start a ECS task with a Self Hosted Runner
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Does the Action replace gh-runner-ecs-ec2-stack #6

Open bjorntheart opened 2 years ago

bjorntheart commented 2 years ago

Not an issue, but I didn't know how else to reach out to you guys.

I've been preparing an AMI by reading your post here, but I've noticed the repository is now archived. Do you stil make use of using ECS with your own custom EC2 image or does this action replace the need for that?

Sorry for using the issue tracker to ask a question :-)

n-neubauer commented 2 years ago

My understanding is as follows:

vschettino commented 2 years ago

Hey guys, thanks for reaching out! Sorry the delay, I never got a notification about this issue :( @norman-neubauer got the idea precisely :)

The old gh-runner-ecs-ec2-stack is archived because we came with another infrastructure approach (almost the same but with a few tweaks and Pulumi for IaC) and it is not ready for being open sourced yet. But you can get most of the idea looking the code. Anyway, both the action and the Docker image can be used independently.

robsonandradev commented 2 years ago

If some of you guys are running Kubernetes, there is an easy way to use the runner