PasteBar / PasteBarApp

PasteBar - Limitless, Free Clipboard Manager for Mac and Windows
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Feature Request: Sync clipboard content between machines ( Windows / Mac ) #116

Open julianxhokaxhiu opened 1 month ago

julianxhokaxhiu commented 1 month ago


first of all thank you very much for creating this app. Seems to be almost feature complete, although I think something that would benefit a lot would be the ability to sync clipboard content between instances on the different platforms.

Say I'm using this app on both Windows and Mac, my expectation is that once I copy some content, it's available instantly on the other machine ( be it textual or more advanced ).

Is there any plan on adding this capability?

Thank you in advance and best regards, Julian

VeRychard commented 1 month ago

I fully support this feature request. Additionally, incorporating a Dropbox or Google Drive option would be beneficial, allowing us to avoid using centralized servers. A customizable WebDAV connection would be an excellent addition as well.

@julianxhokaxhiu In the meantime, you could try syncing the "" file to a cloud service to see if it works.

kurdin commented 1 month ago

@julianxhokaxhiu @VeRychard Yes, I would love to see and use full data sync across all my devices as well. What stopped me from doing that is the need for full end-to-end encryption of user data first, and this is not easy and straightforward to do. It would require more work on the db level and understanding of encryption key distribution and use. Unfortunately, I am not an expert on this matter.

@VeRychard you're right, I was thinking about using something like Dropbox, Google Drive or iCloud to sync the file across devices and it would be a good solution. I don't want to use and maintain my own servers to store users' data, as this could be risky and unnecessary.

If I can solve data encryption with somebody's help, I can provide UI and logic to set up data sync of the file using centralized cloud servers like Dropbox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or iCloud that we all already use every day.

Yeah, this is definitely must have feature and its coming in the long run, maybe a bit later, but I'll find how to do that one way or another.

Lets keep this issue open so we can get feedback from other users or help from devs.

Thank you both for your feedback and suggestions.

VeRychard commented 1 month ago

I would love to contribute, however my next 2 months are totally full with projects. 😞 In case it doesn't progress by then I'm happy to chime in!

Keep up the good work

JpzJr commented 1 month ago

As much as I like how the password manager I use syncs between devices, I believe to stay true to the marketing pitch made of "Locally stored data for privacy and secure access" should stay high on the priorities. It is true that I have not checked the data file to see if there is any encryption, the intricacies and difficulties of maintaining a secure file and data connections between devices and any hosting services are greater than most of the public understands. And passing the responsibility of data encryption and security to another service provided by an outside entity does not release a person from liability if that entity fails; if Dropbox, Google, Apple, or Microsoft fail to maintain data security on this file, the contributors to this app are still liable for the failure. This is magnified if the product is used in the European Union. I request you please keep this as local data only or:

kurdin commented 1 month ago

@JpzJr Thank you very much for your feedback and detailed post! I completely agree with your statement. If I add any data syncing functionality, it would be opt-in and turned off by default. I won't add sync over existing cloud providers without giving users the ability to fully encrypt their data with open-source end-to-end encryption, so only the user's application with the private key will have access to the data.

For now, everything is locally stored. As much as I would love to see my saved clips syncing between all my devices, I am fine with local storage only for now. But yes, end-to-end (E2EE) encryption first, then syncing using third-party cloud providers.

Hope somebody can help me with end-to-end (E2EE) encryption.

arongkatz commented 1 month ago

I fully support this too. I work with multiple platforms on different devices and having my clipboard ready on all of them would be a HUGE time saver since i work with text a lot on advertising