PatHightree / SpaceNavigator

SpaceNavigator driver for Unity3D
MIT License
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SceneView rotation is fixed to identity when in 2D mode. This will be an error in future versions of Unity. #30

Open bra1nDeaD opened 3 years ago

bra1nDeaD commented 3 years ago

I'm getting this warning when I have a 2D project open:

SceneView rotation is fixed to identity when in 2D mode. This will be an error in future versions of Unity. UnityEditor.SceneView:set_rotation (UnityEngine.Quaternion) SpaceNavigatorDriver.ViewportController:Fly (UnityEditor.SceneView,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3) (at Assets/SpaceNavigator/Editor/ViewportController.cs:134) SpaceNavigatorDriver.ViewportController:Fly (UnityEditor.SceneView) (at Assets/SpaceNavigator/Editor/ViewportController.cs:108) SpaceNavigatorDriver.ViewportController:Update () (at Assets/SpaceNavigator/Editor/ViewportController.cs:80) UnityEditor.EditorApplication:Internal_CallUpdateFunctions ()

PatHightree commented 3 years ago

Thanks for reporting this, I would never have thought to test in a 2D project

SorraTheOrc commented 2 years ago

This is not limited to 2D projects. It is common, in Unity, to switch to 2D mode when working with UI in a scene. This error is thrown in this situation too. In Unity 2021 the error is:

SceneView rotation is fixed to identity when in 2D mode. This will be an error in future versions of Unity.
UnityEditor.SceneView:set_rotation (UnityEngine.Quaternion)
SpaceNavigatorDriver.ViewportController:Fly (UnityEditor.SceneView,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3) (at Library/PackageCache/com.pathightree.spacenavigator-driver@2cd5a7cce6/Editor/ViewportController.cs:170)
SpaceNavigatorDriver.ViewportController:Fly (UnityEditor.SceneView) (at Library/PackageCache/com.pathightree.spacenavigator-driver@2cd5a7cce6/Editor/ViewportController.cs:130)
SpaceNavigatorDriver.ViewportController:Update () (at Library/PackageCache/com.pathightree.spacenavigator-driver@2cd5a7cce6/Editor/ViewportController.cs:100)
UnityEditor.EditorApplication:Internal_CallUpdateFunctions ()