PatLeroux / jammming

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Project Review #1

Open SidTheEngineer opened 5 years ago

SidTheEngineer commented 5 years ago

Rubric Score

Criteria 1: App Creation, Folder Structure, and File Paths

Criteria 2: Correct Implementation of User Flows (e.g. Searching, Token Generation, Save Playlist, etc.)

Regarding Components: Overall great work setting up your components, it looks like you've got most of the app set up appropriately. There are a few areas for improvement that I noticed that can clean up the code some:

removeTrack(track) {
  let tracks = this.state.playlistTracks;
  tracks = tracks.filter(currentTrack => !==;

  this.setState({playlistTracks: tracks});

For addTrack, we won't need to create a new function inside of the method. We can look for if the track being added has already been added, and if not, we push the track to playlistTracks array and update state accordingly:

addTrack(track) {
  let tracks = this.state.playlistTracks;
  if (tracks.find(savedTrack => === {

  this.setState({playlistTracks: tracks});

Additionally, nice work adding the functionality to keeping duplicated tracks out of the newly created playlist!

Criteria 3: Proper JavaScript and JSX Syntax and Formatting

Criteria 4: Implementation Adheres to DRY Principles

Overall Score: 12/16

Overall, the project is set up appropriately and looks solid! A lot of the areas for improvement I noticed had mostly to do with shortening down some of the methods and cleaning up formatting of the code. Outside of this, we'll want to make sure we add the redirect URI to the white list in your Spotify developer account so as to avoid the INVALID_CLIENT: Invalid redirect URI error.

PatLeroux commented 5 years ago

Overall i pass the test right?

PatLeroux commented 5 years ago


Comment(s): Right now I'm not able to test the actual functionality of the app due to the redirect URI not being white listed on Spotify's side (you can do this by logging in via