PatWie / excalidraw-complete

Effortlessly self-host Excalidraw with a single Go binary. Supports multiple storage options and real-time collaboration.
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Full Dockerfile and docker-compose solution #1

Open fidoriel opened 1 month ago

fidoriel commented 1 month ago

This project looks great. Do you have or plan to offer independent docker images for use with docker compose. This would make it very easy to integrate this with for example nginx-proxy to self-host it without knowledge about the project.

PatWie commented 1 month ago

Could you please add more details. I think I am lacking some context here. Note, this binary is all-in-one. You are free to add an NGINX reverse proxy in front of it. But I don't see the advantage of a docker-compose file. (I am really curious to understand why this is needed.)

fidoriel commented 1 month ago

This would be just ease of use and convenience (not that a single executable is not easy but it does not integrate with a docker environment). I could directly integrate this with my existing docker compose environment by just using a prebuild docker image. It would be great if you could provide a prebuild docker image via a registry. Watchtower can automatically pull new images and replace the old ones. Docker makes things easier within my deployment processes. I do not deploy any web services without docker anymore. Docker Compose would just be a usage example for the docker image. Which ports, volumes/data dirs etc.

PatWie commented 1 month ago

Happy to accept a PR at some point, but I first should try to make it work (or alternatively just cry). Given this is just a fun project, I do not necessarily see the need to distribute it widely at the moment.

fidoriel commented 1 month ago

OK, fine, I will try to provide one, if the project is ready :)