Patashu / break_infinity.js

A replacement for decimal.js for incremental games who want to deal with very large numbers (bigger in magnitude than 1e308, up to as much as 1e(9e15) ) and want to prioritize speed over accuracy.
MIT License
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break_reality.js when #53

Open Razenpok opened 5 years ago

Patashu commented 5 years ago

I don't have any particular inspiration for an interesting way to go past break_eternity.js's limit atm. (The main problem is that hyper 4 operator continuousness is only belatedly reached using the linear approximation, so everything built on that only gets less and less continuous, and you need interesting continuity to make an incremental game where numbers build over time instead of just one-off calculations. I would need to, at least, build a strong continuous hyper 4 and hyper 5 operator critical section before I'd want to start thinking about it.)

At least there's , though I haven't put any thought into what it would be useful for.

Patashu commented 2 years ago