Patbox / TaterCart

A server side (works on singleplayer too) Minecart mod for Fabric
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
19 stars 2 forks source link

Connectivity incompatibility (Polymer) #7

Open MaranRoseGIT opened 2 years ago

MaranRoseGIT commented 2 years ago

Hi, the issue here is tatercarts, even though the log doesn't really state so, I don't know what's up; maybe you do?

Minecraft Fabric 1.18.2

Patbox commented 2 years ago

Looks like mod incompatibility, most likely caused by Connectivity mod

MaranRoseGIT commented 2 years ago

Is there any way you can fix it? Connectivity is needed for connection-fixes for the mod-pack and the dedicated server, or do I have to talk to the creator of Connectivity?

Patbox commented 2 years ago

I can't fix it, since I need these mixins fot it to work. Which fixes you need? I'm sure there are better and compatible alternatives

MaranRoseGIT commented 2 years ago

Something that solves several connection problems like Login-Timeouts, DecoderException, Packet size limits, Ghostblock issues, Payload too large, etc, and it has to be server-side since Connectivity can run server-side without issue

Patbox commented 2 years ago

0packet size limit require patching server and client.

For ghost blocks, could you tell more about them?

MaranRoseGIT commented 2 years ago

0packet size limit require patching server and client.

For ghost blocks, could you tell more about them?

Ghost Blocks happen when you're mining extremely fast, usually with an enchanted pickaxe, and the server skips a tick and registers that you've mined the block on your screen, but not in the chunk on the server's side, so it becomes an invisible block that you can't move past and you get lagged back upon trying, reconnecting usually fixes the issue but it can happen multiple times at once.

Patbox commented 2 years ago

Oh so it's classic one and not mod related.

MaranRoseGIT commented 2 years ago

I will try these out, thanks ^^

MaranRoseGIT commented 2 years ago

If I may ask as a request though, is there any possible way you could add custom icons for people who have TaterCart installed on their side? It seems overwhelming with everything being the same minecart with a chest icon with a different name, if not, that's alright! Thank you for this mod!

Patbox commented 2 years ago

I plan doing that at some point, but now I'm focused at getting ready for 1.19