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unattended installation WIP #12

Closed phryneas closed 8 years ago

phryneas commented 9 years ago


at the current state, the setup process is very interactive and makes active changes in the target system.

This makes it absolutely unusable for an unattended installation via chief/puppet/saltstack/ansible.

In this PR, I am trying to offer a second installation option that

This is far from usable or finished, but I wanted to know your opinon on this. (I haven't even tried to run it so far.)

Do you like the direction I am going with this? Should I do something differently? Should I drop it completely?

Your feedback please.

jonsjava commented 9 years ago

Good idea!

Are you willing to assist with this project? Since I started it, I've moved on from admin to engineering, so don't have as much time to work on non-work stuff. That will change next week, as they want to use my tool in their environment, but I will have to re-tool it for chef to implement in-house.

If you're willing, I'm willing to throw you in back-end.

phryneas commented 9 years ago

No, this is more one of those "I want to install this, but it's completely screwing up my system, so I'm cleaning it up" moments.

I may stick with the project for a while or check back from time to time but I don't have the spare time to really commit myself to another project.

jonsjava commented 9 years ago

I completely understand.

Thanks! I will start working on a cook book for this in the next week.

phryneas commented 9 years ago

I guess by then there will be a working cli installer, which should make that a lot easier ;)

One thing though: I'm a debian/ubuntu guy, so you'll have to double-check the RHEL-specific stuff. I mainly copy-pasted & cleaned that part.

Also you might have a differeing opinion on whether mysql should be installed on the target system.

phryneas commented 9 years ago

Okay. This now requires a ton of command line options, but it should run without having to change too much existing code.

It should be possible to call this with --unattended-install --force --db-host [VALUE] --db-root-id [VALUE] --db-root-pass [VALUE] --db-user [VALUE] --db-pass [VALUE] --db-name [VALUE] --new-web-admin [VALUE] --new-web-admin-email [VALUE] --adm-passwd [VALUE] --new-web-duser [VALUE] --new-web-duser-email [VALUE] --usr-passwd [VALUE] --comp-id [VALUE] --your-company [VALUE] --installation-key [VALUE] --relative-path [VALUE] --new-web-dir [VALUE] --web-user [VALUE]

to get a clean install that overwrites new_web_dir.

Still completely untested. Gonna test that tomorrow in the evening.

phryneas commented 9 years ago

short question: is your bash really a bash or is there maybe some derivate symlinked to /bin/bash ?

some things there do not seem to work for me, and I've checked, I'm using bash ;)

[ "${new_relative_path:LEN}" != "/" ];

does not check the last character.

[ "${relative_path: -1}" != "/" ]


the current code just adds another trailing slash as far as I can see

jonsjava commented 9 years ago

Actually, the installer was almost completely written by metalcated. Mine was much simpler, but his was more full-featured, albeit complex.

phryneas commented 9 years ago

I don't want to critizice, but you might consider going back to something more simple.

It's cool, I'll give it that, but it does horrendous things to a system.

It installs packages, sometimes without asking.

It even modifies iptables without asking, which will completely break everything if something like shorewall or ferm is installed.

phryneas commented 9 years ago

Also it is doing a bit too much hand-holding.

I doubt a system administrator really wants a package that configures other packages for him - but that's just my opinion.

In my opinion checking for certain pre-requisites should be enough.

jonsjava commented 9 years ago

I'm fine with change. I do agree it needs to be more aware, and unattended, so with that in mind, when I start my code push next week, I'll do it with that in mind (that, and merging the front-end with vFense back-end, as his back-end does some amazing things). I will keep my back-end, but I will be forking my front-end to work with vFense API calls. This will improve my front-end code while improving the overall look and feel of vFense.

But with all that said about the front-end, if it can't be installed easy, safely, in a sane fashion, and in an automated DevOps approach, there's no real point to it, because it misses the target audience.

phryneas commented 9 years ago

On the automation part, it's going forward.

I'm doing some tests right now and I think with a few more small changes this deploys right from saltstack.

phryneas commented 9 years ago

Okay, It didn't need any more changes, it IS deploying correctly from saltstack.

Here's a salt state if you want to test it (quick&dirty):

patchdashboard package {{pkg}}:
    - name: {{pkg}}
{% endfor %}

{% for svc in ['apache2' ]%}
patchdashboard service {{svc}}:
    - name: {{svc}}
{% endfor %}

patchdashboard mod_rewrite:
    - name: rewrite
    - watch_in:
      - service: patchdashboard service apache2

patchdashboard apache.conf salt_block:
    - name: "sed -i '/<\\/VirtualHost>/i  ###SALT_BLOCK_START\\n###SALT_BLOCK_END' /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf"
    - unless: "grep -q SALT_BLOCK_START /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf"

patchdashboard apache allow_override:
    - name: /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
    - marker_start: "###SALT_BLOCK_START"
    - marker_end: "###SALT_BLOCK_END"
    - content: |
       <Directory /var/www/html>
       AllowOverride All
    - show_changes: True
    - watch_in:
      - service: patchdashboard service apache2
    - require:
      - cmd: patchdashboard apache.conf salt_block

patchdashboard repo:
    - name:
    - rev: bde68168753ec5790951fd1051e83e443eb09248
    - target: /tmp/patchdashboard

patchdasboard ssh-keygen:
    - unless: "test -f /root/.ssh/id_rsa"
    - name: "ssh-keygen -f /root/.ssh/id_rsa -t rsa -N ''"

patchdashboard install:
    - unless: test -f /etc/cron.d/patch-manager
    - name: |
        {% raw %}
        cd /tmp/patchdashboard/; ./ --unattended-install --force \
        --db-host localhost --db-root-id $(sed -n 's/user\s*=\s*//p' /etc/mysql/debian.cnf | head -n1)  --db-root-pass $(sed -n 's/password\s*=\s*//p' /etc/mysql/debian.cnf | head -n1) \
        --db-user testuser --db-pass testpass --db-name testdb \
        --new-web-admin webadmin --new-web-admin-email --new-web-admin-passwd webadmpass \
        --new-web-duser webuser --new-web-duser-email --new-web-duser-passwd usrpass \
        --your-company power \
        --installation-key somekeyiguess \
        --relative-path /test --new-web-dir /var/www/html/test/ \
        --web-user www-data
        {% endraw %}
phryneas commented 9 years ago

oh, and please don't merge this, this still needs cleaning up and it just does the installation, no upgrades or anything.

phryneas commented 9 years ago

Okay, that was a tad too early ;)

Now accounts are set up properly and it is possible to log in.

I'm updating the salt formula in place above.

Also, that's it for today.

phryneas commented 9 years ago

okay, in theory this should be it, but it hasn't been tested yet. will do the final testing tomorrow.

phryneas commented 9 years ago

okay. everything should be working now. could you take a look?

jonsjava commented 8 years ago

:+1: adding. Sorry. I've been trying to figure out the best way to proceed. Planning on creating cookbook and test kitchen for this tonight.