Patchouli-M / SequencingCancerFinder

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Are there any updated pre-trained models? #2

Closed 31474molly closed 3 months ago

31474molly commented 3 months ago

Thank you for your great work. I would like to know if there are already models for certain tumors? For example, stomach cancer? Is it accurate enough to use the models from this paper and pan-cancer for gastric cancer?

Patchouli-M commented 3 months ago

Thank you for your interest.

In theory, the pan-cancer model can predict gastric cancer. However, we have not yet conducted testing on gastric cancer data, so I cannot confirm whether it meets your desired accuracy.

If possible, I recommend validating it on established gastric cancer datasets before use.

The topic of pre-training models specific to particular tumors exceeds the scope of this article. There are currently no plans for such initiatives in the near future, though they may be explored in subsequent work. If necessary, I suggest constructing your own training dataset for the specific tumor you require and proceeding with training accordingly.