PatchworkBoy / homebridge-edomoticz

Domoticz Homebridge-Plugin
118 stars 44 forks source link

socket symbol HomeKit #134

Closed theo-69 closed 6 years ago

theo-69 commented 6 years ago

I know i asked this before, however there was a small misunderstanding (i apologize for this but english is not my nativ language), so this time i try to explain it better.

It would be great it a socket in Domoticz shows as a socket in the Home App from Apple as well.

I do know I can change it in the EVE App but in Home it still shows as Switch and you can not change this in the home App.


The socket icon in Home looks like:


PatchworkBoy commented 6 years ago

Unless Domoticz differentiates it’s output for a socket from a switch, nothing can be done. As far as I’m aware, Domoticz doesn’t. This is done by comparing the JSON output of a switch vs a socket in domoticz, for which I’d need a sample. See first item in q/a at for getting the JSON output for your socket.

PatchworkBoy commented 6 years ago

Right - after inspecting JSON api output, this is still as it was when I first wrote this plugin. Homebridge-edomoticz uses switchtypeval, type and subtype in the json output to differentiate between the devices. These values do not differentiate between a switch and a socket. The JSON output is the same regardless. Therefore, homebridge-edomoticz cannot natively set the device type to a socket. The MQTT output contains even less with which to identify and categorise a device. So unfortunately, no, this isn’t going to change in the plugin at this time.

theo-69 commented 6 years ago

Okay, understand. Just an Idee, if we would use the same like with the Occupancy Sensors and use any SwitchTypeVal: 0 with "Socket" in it's title, would this work?

PatchworkBoy commented 6 years ago

Support via this method has already been written in fennec’s fork of homebridge-edomoticz at (apparently - see

theo-69 commented 6 years ago

okay thanks, maybe it would be cool if you integrate it in the official plugin, yours is more reliable and more up to date...

PatchworkBoy commented 6 years ago

npm update to latest version (2.1.0)... issue already resolved in git repo - just needed publishing to npm (now done).