Auto build and checkstyle (as seperate tasks) for commits to any branch and pull requests, along with commits on forks.
Auto version selection via the following criteria: the tag version (minus the v, so v1.0.0 -> 1.0.0) OR if that is not present the commit hash (i.e. eb741d1) OR 'LOCAL' as a fallback for not being on Github
Auto publication on creation of a tag to Bintray of the latest build. Requires the secrets bintray_user and bintray_key to be set in Settings -> Secrets to function properly.
Tagged commits will have the checkstyle and build tests run twice (once for being a tag and once for being on the branch). There is no easy way to fix this because described behavior on Github of how tags can be ignored does not actually work.
) OR if that is not present the commit hash (i.e.eb741d1
) OR 'LOCAL' as a fallback for not being on Githubbintray_user
to be set in Settings -> Secrets to function properly. Issues: