Path-of-Terraria / PathOfTerraria

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Character Information Panel #137

Closed CollinHerber closed 5 days ago

CollinHerber commented 1 week ago

In order for a player to keep track of the passives, stats, etc that they have we will want to introduce a character panel where they can view this information.

Maybe as a first pass we have the character panel display the following stats.

We may want to split these out into tabs like we have for skills/passives as well and categorize them like

We should add a keybind for this, and probably a UI element as well

pilchardheck commented 1 week ago

what should the general size and design be for the panel?

GabeHasWon commented 1 week ago

It should be fairly large: image This is the mockup I've made to figure out how UI works exactly. Realistically, it can be about half the width and it should be able to fit all relevant stats, especially since I can still reduce the size of the text comfortably. That being said, @CollinHerber probably should clarify himself - I don't know exactly what the goal is here.

GabeHasWon commented 1 week ago

Alright, functionally the UI is done - I'm confused to why the big, tabbed panel has a hardcoded size. It's unreasonably large for the content shown here, even if I scale it up, but I don't want to change it unilaterally. All that's left is the sprite though.

pilchardheck commented 1 week ago

image is this kind of size good?

GabeHasWon commented 1 week ago

image This is all the space I need atm. You can make it a little larger or smaller if you want, it's really easy to change.

CollinHerber commented 1 week ago

It's probably worth mentioning that the inner content will likely grow to a size where we will make it scrollable. So the UI element should really just be what the background of the panel will be

pilchardheck commented 6 days ago

image is this good so far?

GabeHasWon commented 6 days ago

It's a draggable panel, so I'd say remove the chains. It'd either be cut off or take up a bunch of screen space for little reason. Otherwise, yeah, looks fine.

CollinHerber commented 6 days ago

Just make the chains sway when you drag the panel. Immersion. Sounds easy right? xD

I like the chains and I don't mind that they exist when the panel is dragged around. But i see where you're coming from

pilchardheck commented 6 days ago

chainLoop charStatBoard the board plus looping chain texture if you want to use it. anything need changing?

GabeHasWon commented 6 days ago

This seems to be fine. I'm running into an unrelated issue where DraggableSmartUi is hard to work with when I don't want it to draw the normal panels. Drawing the normal panels looks awful, especially if you resize. I'll be disabling resize anyway and just making it look nice on the panels, unsure if that's the intent or not.

GabeHasWon commented 6 days ago

image Any complaints? Didn't use chains because that's even more out of place due to the panels.

CollinHerber commented 6 days ago

I was thinking the background would not appear so it was just the panel with the close button overridden placing it in the correct spot

GabeHasWon commented 6 days ago

"The panel" being the background panel or the wooden background?

CollinHerber commented 6 days ago

Yeah the panel being the parchment or wood png provided by pil. No background would appear. It doesn't need to be a draggable panel

GabeHasWon commented 6 days ago

Oh, okay. That makes it a lot easier then lol I'll keep in the functionality for panels to not be resizable though, it's a nice tool to have if we want a draggleable but non-resizable panel in the future.

GabeHasWon commented 6 days ago

image This was much easier to work with. And now the chains do fit nicely.

CollinHerber commented 6 days ago

Just need the close button otherwise looks fantastic

pilchardheck commented 6 days ago


GabeHasWon commented 5 days ago

image Thanks!