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Summoning "Weapon" Archetype - Grimoire #166

Open CollinHerber opened 5 days ago

CollinHerber commented 5 days ago

The grimoire will be a new Summoning weapon type that will utilize conjuring as it's main source of damage. The player will actively control a conjured minion - In addition to the normal summons a summoner will have.

There will only be a single item that is used for this weapon type - However you will need to find things through progression to unlock new summons.

When the Grimoire is equipped in the item slot a new UI item will appear (next to character info, quest book, etc) When opening this UI you will be presented with a Menagerie of summonable items. Each showing a "page" about the summon and how to obtain it.

Obtaining the Grimoire

?? Ideas ?? Quest? Town? Dungeon Book?

Alt Use

This will summon the minion(s) that you will control. Left clicking will send the summon minion to the target location. Summoned minions will attack things around the target location without going too far away.

Available Summons


Can Fly Damage: 3 Only summon 1 Unlocked in the Menagerie by sacrificing the following items

Cave Bat

Can Fly Damage: 5 Only summon 1 Unlocked in the Menagerie by sacrificing the following items

Giant Scorpion (Black version of Sand Poacher?)

Cannot Fly Damage: 12 Only summon 1 Unlocked in the Menagerie by sacrificing the following items

Other Ideas?

Programming Tasks

Sprite Tasks

GabeHasWon commented 5 days ago

As with the Quest Book, I'd say making the Grimoire obtainable as soon as a player joins a world is ideal. However, here you could definitely tie getting your first summon into a quest or exploration thing or whatever directly in the Menagerie. This would be clear in function - you open the new tab in/near your inventory/accessories/whatever, then it says Complete <Quest> to unlock a conjuration! clearly and directly.

For the rest of the idea, this is solid! Sacrificing things to get new summons is fun and makes a thematic, less linear version of crafting.