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Create Molten Dangpa #251

Closed CollinHerber closed 4 months ago

CollinHerber commented 4 months ago

This item will use the javelin base class that was created in #165


The Molten Dangpa will inherit the stats from the Lead Dangpa

Alt Use

The alt use for the Molten Dangpa will send out the weapon drenched in lava that will explode on contact and summon 3 to 5 (random) lava clumps that do 75% each. The initial hit will also deal 125% of the normal damage.


Programming Tasks

Molten Shell Skill

Molten shell will grant a few bonuses while active - Each them separated by / to show the level. Cooldown: 10s Duration: 5s Bonus Armor: 2/4/6 Create a shield with x Health: 20/35/50 75% of Damage from Hits is taken from the Buff before player life Buff ends at the end of the duration or the shield is broken. Whichever comes first.

Inspiration for effect visual image

Inspiration for skill image image

Visuals Needed (Sprites / VFX)

GabeHasWon commented 4 months ago

How will affixes like the

+1 to Molten Shell (Grants the ability if not already learned)

work? If you have 3 skills already, would it override one?

CollinHerber commented 4 months ago

How will affixes like the

+1 to Molten Shell (Grants the ability if not already learned)

work? If you have 3 skills already, would it override one?

The skill be granted and the Skill UI will include the ability to add it to one of the hotkey places. It won't be placed in the hotbar by default. It will just make it available.

The skill UI in the future will only include skills that have been unlocked or obtained through items, not all.

GabeHasWon commented 4 months ago

So it'd just unlock the ability? Either to be seen, or just to be used immediately?

CollinHerber commented 4 months ago

If the player had not learned the skill yet, and then they unequip the item that was previously granted them the skill it should go away.

If there is an open space in the hotbar it can add it immediately, if there are none it can just become available to allocate via the skill UI.

GabeHasWon commented 4 months ago

Is there an existing system for that? I'm not aware of any temporary skills that behave like this. Do you mean ...and they UNequip the item that...? I don't know why it'd go away if the item already granted the skill(?)

If you do mean unequip, it also feels a little weird from a player perspective. Switching weapons removes one of your skills and forces you to re-assign it. I would pretty quickly just not use the temporary skill unless it's really powerful.

GabeHasWon commented 4 months ago

I'm also realizing I don't really know how to set up the affix for

Grants 2 Life Gained on Killing "On Fire" Enemies

without doing a whole lot.

I don't know the system too well, but from what I can tell, I'd want to make like, a dictionary indexed by string of buff IDs paired with functions for conditions, store it on EntityModifier, then apply that chance in a GlobalProjectile? There's no way to get total strength of an affix per player, at least not that I can tell, so it'd have to be that or something similar.

CollinHerber commented 4 months ago

Is there an existing system for that?

No this is a new concept. This is something ARPGs do pretty much across the board though (+ to skills or granting skills) so we will want to have this.

Do you mean ...and they UNequip the item that...?

Yes that was a typo yes, my bad. Correct my OP as well.

it also feels a little weird from a player perspective

Yea I didn't take into account that this is a weapon and people will be having different items in their held hand slot. I think we may need to check against the first inventory (weapon) slot to handle this behavior. So it doesn't unallocate the skill when they swap around their hotbar.

I'm also realizing I don't really know how to set up the affix for

Yea that might be tricky. I think UniversalBuffingPlayer has some mod player stuff in it. Is there some sort of KilledNpc event that can be added to? If not that one could be tricky. If it's too tricky I'm happy to split out a "On death affix system" ticket from this.

GabeHasWon commented 4 months ago

I think splitting this into a "temporary skills" ticket would be better personally. I am way, way less confident in that than I am in making an "on hit/death affix" system, which I'll probably do alongside the Molten Dangpa here. At the moment, I have the two basic affixes, basic functionality, and most of the unique alt use for the Molten done.

GabeHasWon commented 4 months ago

PlaceHolder Here's the alt use. It lazily uses the lava bubble projectile's sprite but upscaled, so I'll definitely want something nicer for it than that. image Otherwise, I think the Molten Dangpa itself is done. It just needs the heal on flaming death affix, and the temporary skill system. I'll do the flaming death affix alongside the weapon itself, just since it's a very convenient way to test and make the system.

GabeHasWon commented 4 months ago

Oh, I should ask - is the default version of this weapon the Lead Dangpa, like how the Fire Starter is a Wooden Sword (with an alternative sprite, but functionally the same), and the alt is the only thing that changes the sprite?

CollinHerber commented 4 months ago

Oh, I should ask - is the default version of this weapon the Lead Dangpa, like how the Fire Starter is a Wooden Sword (with an alternative sprite, but functionally the same), and the alt is the only thing that changes the sprite?

That and the set affixes that always appear on the item - Yes

GabeHasWon commented 4 months ago

Alrighty then, try out the molten-dangpa branch to see it in action. With the Lead Dangpa being the "default" sprite, now it looks great and just needs the two new affixes to be added.

GabeHasWon commented 4 months ago

Alright, added the "heal on killing a burning enemy" affix. The only thing it needs is the stat line, the "+2 life on killing a burning enemy", but that all seems to be automatically done and I don't understand it at all. I'll probably leave that to someone else who understands the whole EntityModifier tooltips system better.

For anyone who picks this up in the future, use the molten-dangpa branch! Most of this is already done, aside from the skill and the tooltip for the new affix.

pilchardheck commented 4 months ago

MoltenShellSkill skill icon for Molten Shell

CollinHerber commented 4 months ago

but that all seems to be automatically done and I don't understand it at all. I'll probably leave that to someone else who understands the whole EntityModifier tooltips system better.

I didn't build the system but from what I understand as long as it's added into EntityModifier it will appear on the gear properly

CollinHerber commented 4 months ago


Pasting from discord

GabeHasWon commented 4 months ago

Will we want an additional health system for this mod? At the moment I think it's only Molten Shell that adds additional "health", but we might use it in the future. Also, since this mod makes everything do like 400 damage, this skill is almost always useless. Why does everything do that much damage lol

CollinHerber commented 4 months ago

Will we want an additional health system for this mod? At the moment I think it's only Molten Shell that adds additional "health", but we might use it in the future. Also, since this mod makes everything do like 400 damage, this skill is almost always useless. Why does everything do that much damage lol

I imagine we will have several "health like" mechanics. Such as energy shield or ward which are both concepts from PoE as well. All of these would behave differently however, such as this one taking 75% of all damage first. Not all of it.

That said nothing should be hitting that hard atm and could just be a current bug in the system. I dev almost exclusively with godmode on so might miss some of that. Damage number should be more representative of the vanilla theme. If anything mobs should do far less damage to us with the affixes players can have.

GabeHasWon commented 4 months ago

Behaviour isn't a concern, Molten Shell is fully functional already, it just feels bad because there's no indicator for how much shield is left. If there'll be more than Shell, we'll definitely need a system for miscellaneous additional health icons. I'll push this with a temporary Shell health UI and once we get to another shield/boosted health thing I'll do the health system.

As for the damage, I'm pretty sure somewhere is just multiplying by like 50 for some reason. I checked damage, an Eater of Souls does ~9 base damage, so there's a large modifier on there somewhere.

CollinHerber commented 4 months ago

I don't even think molten shell has a UI on PoE haha. That said I think it's always good to have visual indicators for that stuff. It could be something like a bar similar to the alt use system. I think that'll look pretty good.

GabeHasWon commented 4 months ago

Oh, I've already gone for something like vanilla's Life Fruit, just with a nice little molten shield instead of hearts. Players already look there for their health and it fits the game much better than a bar, personally.