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pob freezes my pc when my windows goes into powersafe #5937

Open MoeQuadrat opened 1 year ago

MoeQuadrat commented 1 year ago

Check version

Check for duplicates

Screenshots of crash/graphical issue, version and options menu

not possible, as pc is entirely frozen

What are your system specifications and configuration?

Windows 10 GTX 1080-ti 531.41 C:\Users\moe\AppData\Roaming\Path of Building Community

How to reproduce the issue

not really consistent. Happend twice while i was afk for 30+ mins Start POB wait till windows goes into power-save mode windows is frozen.

Character build code

No response

MoeQuadrat commented 1 year ago

i can provide a phone video for this. But it doesnt add much value. In the video, you would only see my screen frozen, and my mouse and keyboard inputs not working anymore. Additionally, I've noticed that my second screen isn't turning on either. However, my headset is still working fine, as I can still talk on Discord.

J-Senior commented 1 year ago

In the past few days I've had a similar bug but while in use, no power saving mode needed. I'm unable to replicate it but the freezes only occur while using PoB despite my PC being on all day, so I'm fairly confident PoB is causing them.