PathOfBuildingCommunity / PathOfBuilding

Offline build planner for Path of Exile.
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Lethal pride jewel data corrupting #7154

Open ar1a opened 8 months ago

ar1a commented 8 months ago

Check version

Check for duplicates

How is Path of Building expected to behave?

When using the "Find Timeless Jewel" button I expect, after hitting search, that the list fills up on the right with the best seeds

How does Path of Building behave?

Searching for a lethal pride has nothing showing up. When changing to, for example, Brutal Restraint, it works fine.

How to reproduce the issue

  1. Import pob
  2. Click find timeless jewel
  3. Lethal pride, acrobatics, tick filter nodes, click generate
  4. Should look like the screenshot below
  5. click search and observe that nothing populates on the right

Character build code



ar1a commented 8 months ago

Reinstalling fixed it, it must have corrupted the timeless jewel file over time or something.

ar1a commented 8 months ago

actually, seems like it's corrupting randomly. It just happened again, and all the nodes in the tree that are affected don't list their changes of Lethal Pride, etc. I reinstalled in place, launched, and suddenly everything shows up again

ar1a commented 8 months ago

I can recreate this, when i Hit open on the website it corrupts the timeless jewels

Wires77 commented 8 months ago

I have a suspicion that you have two instances of PoB installed, one with the corrupted files and one without. You're launching the uncorrupted one whenever you reinstall, but opening the other one when you click Open.

If you uninstall PoB, does the Open button still do anything?

ar1a commented 8 months ago

I uninstalled, and the open button does nothing. Reinstalling now, and I can't seem to reproduce it (even though it happened a few times over the last week, reinstalling every time fixed it). Where is the timeless jewel data stored? I might be able to monitor the file and see when it changes and work backwards

Wires77 commented 8 months ago

It'll be stored in %AppData%\Path of Building Community\Data\TimelessJewelData