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Minor error in flask charges used calculations #7578

Open yubber opened 2 months ago

yubber commented 2 months ago

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What is the value from the calculation in-game?

In-game when a writhing jar flask with base 16 charges per use (i.e. with local modifier roll "16% reduced charges per use" or higher) is used on a character that has at least 33% reduced flask charges used, 10 charges are consumed, meaning that the flask can be used 4 times at full charges. At 32% reduced flask charges used, 11 charges are consumed, and the flask can only be used 3 times at full charges.

What is the value from the calculation in Path of Building?

At 32% reduced flask charges used, POB states that the character uses 10 flask charges instead of 11 when hovering the flask.

The minimum value of reduced charges used to make the flask charges used for the writhing jar go from 11 to 10 is off by 1. In POB it is 32% when it is actually 33%.

How to reproduce the issue

To check the value in POB

  1. Equip a writhing jar with a base 16 charges per use to the character.

    Item Class: Hybrid Flasks
    Rarity: Unique
    The Writhing Jar
    Hallowed Hybrid Flask
    Recovers 470 (augmented) Life over 5 Seconds
    Recovers 130 (augmented) Mana over 5 Seconds
    Consumes 16 (augmented) of 40 Charges on use
    Currently has 40 Charges
    Level: 60
    Item Level: 85
    19% reduced Charges per use
    73% reduced Amount Recovered
    Instant Recovery
    2 Enemy Writhing Worms escape the Flask when used
    Writhing Worms are destroyed when Hit
    To achieve godhood, they would cast off all that god has gifted us.
    Mortality, compassion, even the sanctity of flesh.
    - High Templar Voll
    Right click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.
  2. Get a total of 32% reduced flask charges used.

  3. Hover over the flask when it is equipped. Tooltip states 10 charges per use when it is actually 11.

To verify the value in game

  1. Get 2 belts with 17% and 18% reduced charges used.
  2. Get a Writhing Jar flask (in theory any flask should work) with 16 charges per use on the tooltip.
  3. Allocate the 2 sources of reduced flask charges used on the passive tree: Careful Conservationist and the small passive in Natural Remedies.
  4. Swap between the belts and use the flasks. Check the difference in flask charges remaining.

Note: the devs hate the worms so the flask doesn't refill in your hideout, you will need to use the ryslatha pantheon or other charge generation to fill the flask

Character build code

Change the flask charges used roll on the belt (between 17 and 18%) to observe the difference.
