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Combustions -fire res is being applied even when the supported skill cannot ignite. #8266

Open hugglesthemerciless opened 2 weeks ago

hugglesthemerciless commented 2 weeks ago

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What is the value from the calculation in-game?

I have combustion support linked to bear trap, but it only deals physical damage and cannot ignite, so I should not be seeing my hexblast's dps go up from a higher effective dps mod when enabling combustion.

What is the value from the calculation in Path of Building?

My effective dps mod on hexblast without combustion is 2.451x, and when I link added fire damage to my bear trap this goes up to the correct 2.666. But if I take added fire damage away and check the "enemy is ignited" box in config then the effective mod goes up to 2.666 again despite combustion in reality doing nothing, so I guess it's not checking whether combustion's effect is even possible.

How to reproduce the issue

Link combustion to bear trap, it will deal only phys damage with no chance to ignite. Then check "is the enemy ignited" in config. I just created a blank profile with only bear trap and fireball to be able to see the fire res on the effective dps mod.

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vietknight commented 2 weeks ago

could you please clarify this bug, first you mention linking bear trap with added fire, but then after you mention linking bear trap with combustion. your pob shows nothing about hexblast..this seems to be all over the place.

please provide the bug explanation in its simplest form and a matching pob. lol

vietknight commented 2 weeks ago


Regisle commented 2 weeks ago

The issue hes having is combustion applies if the enemy is ignited, regardless of if the skill itself has fire to ignite (as long as it is able to ignite if given fire damage), eg beartrap with only physical damage wont ignite an enemy, but still applies the combustion effect

Regisle commented 2 weeks ago

Fixing this is not easy or requires the user to have to tick extra config options, as we would need to check that the skill is able to ignite (which we currently do), that it has ignite chance (or can ignite on crit and has crit chance) and that it has base damage for ignite (eg fire and that fire can ignite, or that it can ignite with another damage type), for every skill with combustion

That or have a separate checkbox for combustion