PathVisio / libGPML

Java library for reading / writing GPML files
Apache License 2.0
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Xref data sources to be added to BridgeDb #1

Closed Finterly closed 1 year ago

Finterly commented 3 years ago

Here we keep a list of Xref data sources (and their occurrences) that have been used in GPML2013a but are not in BridgeDb datasources.tsv. Some datasources are duplicates of existing ones, save for spelling, and will be fixed by curation.

egonw commented 1 year ago

The Curated analysis seems okay (except for which I'll fix now):

SELECT DISTINCT ?node ?source ?homepage
  VALUES ?source {
    "PubChem" "PubChem Compound" "ChemIDplus" "Ensembl Plants"
    "GeneDB" "Uniprot/TrEMBL" "Kegg ortholog" "COMPOUND"
    "Ensembl Mosquito" "Kegg Compound" "Uniprot-SwissProt"
    "RiceCyc" "Entrez"
  ?node gpml:xrefDataSource ?source ;
        dcterms:isPartOf ?gpmlpw .
  ?wppw wp:isAbout ?gpmlpw ;
        foaf:page ?homepage .


egonw commented 1 year ago

Converted into a unit test:

egonw commented 1 year ago

Okay, finally the job ran on Analysis/Curation. All fine. Any remaining (in ALL) will be fixed in the next week or two.

egonw commented 1 year ago

Results of ALL:
