PathVisio / pathvisio

PathVisio - pathway editor, visualization and analysis software
Apache License 2.0
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Error message when opening saved pathway #182

Open boydk4 opened 2 years ago

boydk4 commented 2 years ago

Hi, I'm VERY new to this. I'm trying to use this software to create my own pathway for my personal use in my PhD research. My goal is to have a mega pathway where I keep adding connections when I read papers about them, and adding my own discoveries from my lab work. I tried downloading some plugins I thought would be helpful, but now I get this error message every time I open my pathway: image It doesn't seem to negatively affect anything but I want to see if anyone else has this problem and knows how to fix it.

Best case scenario, this error message is annoying but harmless. Worst case scenario, the error is actually something serious but I don't know yet.

Thanks in advance for any help and advice!

mkutmon commented 2 years ago

sorry for the late response. somehow this message slipped through my notifications. were you able to solve the problem? if not, can you share your pathway by email so I can have a look and try to reproduce the error?