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Mycobacterial pipeline
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TB-profiler issue v2 #61

Closed MarcNiebel closed 2 months ago

MarcNiebel commented 2 months ago
          Hi Tom, unfortunately this is still not working. Any ideas?


Originally posted by @MarcNiebel in

MarcNiebel commented 2 months ago

This is the tb-profiler error log if it is of any use. tbprofiler.errlog.txt

WhalleyT commented 2 months ago

Hi again Marc, thanks for the continued efforts giving it a go!

That's a new one to me, Just to double check, are the temporary files being written successfully? e.g. is something being written to ./bcftools.0EDiR4 like it says in the log?

MarcNiebel commented 2 months ago

Hi Tom, Using find . -name "bcftools*" in that specific working directory i.e. 8c/ yields no results. This is in contrast with the parent directory work/ which does. Is there another location I should be looking?

WhalleyT commented 2 months ago

It might be a permissions error if the file isn't showing up. Are you running it in Singularity and also is the input originally from a fastq or bam? I'll try and re-create on my end but so far I haven't seen a sample fail like that so I'll let you know.

edit: yes seems all okay on Docker. I've been having issues with tmp locations in Singularity with other parts of the pipeline so suspect it's that

MarcNiebel commented 2 months ago

Ok thanks for looking into this. This is the command I am using nextflow run -profile singularity --input_dir MTB_WHO_sequences --pattern '*_R{1,2}_001.fastq.gz'

MarcNiebel commented 2 months ago

Hi Tom, So that is actually what is happening when using singularity. The incorrect files are being grouped together so that is probably explaining the error.

WhalleyT commented 2 months ago

Ah right okay! As a quick fix if you export TMPDIR="<new_tmp>" or export SINGULARITY_TMPDIR="<new_tmp>" to somewhere writable that should work, at least that was enough on my end :). The new version of tb-profiler allows you to pass a temporary directory as an argument (as do some of the other functions in the module) so I can make a parameter for it in the workflow so the user doesn't have to mess around with that

MarcNiebel commented 2 months ago

No worries. I will use Docker in the meantime whilst you sort the temporary directory as an argument .

WhalleyT commented 2 months ago

Hi again! I've hardcoded a tmp directory for gatk and tb-profiler which will be created in the working directory and should be automounted by Singularity. I'll add them into the other places if this works, but it's probably not a priority as those containers don't have permission issues (they're all installed with pip et al. if that affects it?).

Please let me know how it goes, and if it works I'll add it to the rest of the pipeline.

If this doesn't work I will try rebuilding the container and installing everything from scratch. I've tried to avoid this as tb-profiler's authors don't recommend it, but it might be more stable.

MarcNiebel commented 2 months ago

Hi Tom, thanks for that. Will try it out in the coming days and keep you informed of my progress

WhalleyT commented 2 months ago

Great, fingers crossed. Apologies as well last night I forgot to actually make the commit so it's on now.

MarcNiebel commented 2 months ago

Have tested it out on two samples and worked successfully. Checked the location of all files and they are grouped correctly 👍 Thank you for sorting this out.

WhalleyT commented 2 months ago

Great stuff! Glad it worked. I'll close the issue for now but let me know if anything else crops up :smile: