PathwayCommons / cpath2

Biological pathway data integration and access platform (Pathway Commons)
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A CV.term contains several names and identifiers #266

Closed IgorRodchenkov closed 7 years ago

IgorRodchenkov commented 7 years ago

Dylan (@d2fong), analysing Pathway Commons pathway data in SBGN format, found a couple of abnormal terms, e.g. gene ontology ids that are used as compartment label instead of the corresponding ontology term - compartment name. example:

<glyph class="compartment" id="go_0005758">
    <label text="go:0005758"/>

He asks whether it is possible to alter these values so that they are consistent?

So I dug into the code and reviewed the pathway data and found things like these (it's a piece of Pathway Commons BioPAX data converted to JSON-LD):

    "@id" : "",
    "@type" : "bp:CellularLocationVocabulary",
    "term" : [ "mitochondrial matrix", "Mitochondrial Matrix" ],
    "xref" : ""
  }, {
    "@id" : "",
    "@type" : "bp:CellularLocationVocabulary",
    "term" : [ "Mitochondrial Intermembrane Space", "GO:0005758", "mitochondrial intermembrane space" ],
    "xref" : ""

Ether authors added several values, including ID (which is not alright) to the original biopax controlled vocabulary's terms, or it's due to our data integration/merging... Looks, it's rather the latter, because original Reactome has:

<bp:CellularLocationVocabulary rdf:ID="CellularLocationVocabulary70">
    <bp:term rdf:datatype="">mitochondrial intermembrane space</bp:term>
    <bp:xref rdf:resource="#UnificationXref39164" />
<bp:UnificationXref rdf:ID="UnificationXref39164">
    <bp:db rdf:datatype="">GENE ONTOLOGY</bp:db>
    <bp:id rdf:datatype="">GO:0005758</bp:id>

So, we are to fix such CV term values either in sbgn-converter (a quick fix to ignore ontology IDs), or - more appropriate - in the BioPAX Validator/Normalizer, or in the cPath2 data merger...

IgorRodchenkov commented 7 years ago

I think it's fixed (where possible) now; check this:

d2fong commented 7 years ago

Thanks Igor