PathwayCommons / factoid

A project to capture biological pathway data from academic papers
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A "paper" posted from Sciety #1237

Closed jvwong closed 6 months ago

jvwong commented 6 months ago

User contributed a record (Regulation of Nuclear Transcription by Mitochondrial RNA) whose title didn't match in Biofactoid but appears to match a record curated by eLife on Sciety.

Not sure: is this referencing a preprint or article?

Sciety was created by eLife to help scientists and researchers focus their attention on preprints that have been peer reviewed by groups that they trust. As more and more research is posted as preprints it can be difficult to trust the accuracy of the claims in the research without peer review, or narrow them down to the most interesting or impactful. Societies, journals and other groups of scientists are helping by highlighting the preprints that they think are the most important and providing public review and curation to share with their peers. Sciety brings the review and curation of preprints from multiple groups into one place to make them easier to find.

jvwong commented 6 months ago

This was a bioRxiv preprint: The input title had extra tokens