PatilHarshh / Kaam-Do

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Adding messaging app #7

Open AsthaPaika opened 3 weeks ago

AsthaPaika commented 3 weeks ago

The application could be enhanced by integrating a messaging feature or a GPT to address user inquiries.

Can you assign me this issue under GSSOC'24

PatilHarshh commented 3 weeks ago

Can You Elaborate the Process and purpose @AsthaPaika ?

AsthaPaika commented 3 weeks ago

yes sure, approach to building a messaging app using the MERN stack and WebSocket for direct interaction with customer care services has several positive points:

  1. By integrating a messaging app directly into the website, users can easily access customer support without having to navigate to other platforms or contact numbers. This streamlined approach improves user experience and increases user satisfaction.
  2. WebSockets enable real-time communication, allowing users to interact with customer care services instantly. This immediacy can help resolve issues more efficiently and improve overall customer satisfaction.
  3. With direct messaging, users can receive personalized assistance tailored to their specific queries or concerns. 4.By providing a direct channel for communication, you encourage users to engage more with the app.

PROCESS Backend Development (Node.js, Express): 1 Set up the Node.js environment and install necessary dependencies. 2 Creating RESTful API endpoints for user authentication, message handling, and chat management. 3 Implementing WebSocket server using libraries like for real-time communication. Database Setup (MongoDB): 1 Setting up a MongoDB database to store user data, messages, and chat history. Frontend Development (React.js): 1 Developing user interfaces for authentication, chat interface, and message display. 2 Implementing features such as user authentication, message sending, and real-time message updates using WebSocket connections.

FLOW User Authentication: Users log in to the chat application. Chat Initiation: Users access the messaging feature to interact with customer care. Real-Time Communication: WebSockets facilitate instant communication between users and customer care. Issue Resolution: Customer care addresses user queries directly on the website, enhancing user experience and satisfaction.

PatilHarshh commented 3 weeks ago

Your Ideas not matching with the project ! which customers are you talking about (we are not selling anything like e-commerce). Your Response too seems chatGPT copied ! Still you can provide me breif purpose of your idea.

Thankyou @AsthaPaika Looking forward for contributing

AsthaPaika commented 3 weeks ago

not customers but the users, There are so many sites similar to your site like linked In , Unstop(which has messaging beta) , Internshala etc , they all have the messaging facility , that we can directly message others or ask our queries. Similar to this, i want to develop a messaging app, where users can put/ask their query/doubt.

PatilHarshh commented 3 weeks ago

Okay ! Seems Good ... you need backend for it ? how would you handle or proceed with this ?

AsthaPaika commented 3 weeks ago

Just giving you the basic overview : I will use MERN , Websocket and Postman for this.

  1. Will implement routes for user authentication using JWT. When user registers or login token containing user info will issue and send them to client.
  2. Will use websocket to handle events like sending and receiving messages.
  3. Will use postman to test websocket connections and API.
AsthaPaika commented 3 weeks ago

Here is the very general overview, Just give me a chance to develop this functionality please

Dhevamuthu commented 1 week ago

please assign me this issue under gssoc 2024

ShampaShaw commented 10 hours ago

assign me this issue under gssoc'24