Patlenlix / CrimeDatabase

A Spring Boot application handling crimes, criminals and victims which is stored in a MySQL persistent database. The application both contains an API with endpoints for CRUD operations, which are secured with http basic auth (all demand that you are an Admin user). Theses can be accessed from other programs, e.g. insomnia. It also contains a frontend using Thymeleaf, which is secured with form based auth. In this case different roles have different degree of access throughout the application.
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Add Logging #27

Open LordRekishi opened 2 years ago

LordRekishi commented 2 years ago

Use built-in logging tool Logbackto make the app create and store logs in logfiles about the status and health of the app. This tool is configured in either or in a file we create called logback-spring.xml.

How should the logger be configured? Which level of messages do we want to log?

helenahalldiniths commented 2 years ago

I think it is a good idea to put it in logback-spring.xml, as a way of achieving SoC (Separation of concern).

I think "info" is a good level, however if we need to debug the application (if something isn't working) then I think we should switch to "debug".