Patpatpatrick / Way2Recycle

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Scrum Report (July 6, 2019) #26

Open cynthiaxzh opened 5 years ago

cynthiaxzh commented 5 years ago

Over the past weeks, the team developed the following functions:

  1. MongoDB is introduced to the project through Meteor. Now the user and item data stored in MongoDB can be fetched and deleted from the front end through the Meteor method calls.

  2. The post-ads components are reimplemented:

    • The post-ad function is now divided into steps such as choose category, show subfield, and upload picture.
    • A third-party API is used to visualize user location on map. Furthermore, through autosuggestions on location names, the user do not have to input their full-address, but they only need to choose from the suggested locations after typing in a brief location (i.e., after typing "UBC", they can choose from the suggestions the exact locations in UBC). After they confirm, the precise location gets "pinned" on map accordingly.
    • The user can now review their submitted items before the information gets confirmed and added to MongoDB.
    • The JSON file now generates a key as user_id when users upload a new items, so that an item can be identified with individual sellers (this builds the foundation for implementing search functions later on).
  3. A full log-in system is now introduced to the project through Meteor library:

    • A sign-up page is created (with first name, last name, email address as log-in account, and password).
    • A log-in system is implemented, which allows users to log into Way2Recyle through the .com address they signed up with. The system then generates alerts when there are errors in user-input passwords.
    • A forget-my-password service is implemented, which sends a link to the user's registered email when they forget their passwords. With this function, the users can recover account access through email that they registered with.
    • The user can also log into Way2Recycle through their social media accounts (i.e. Google)
  4. For the next stage, we are going to reimplement the following functionality:

    • Develop the viewOneItem component, which allows users to update their input item information as well as check the seller location on map.
    • Implement validation for the specific types such as the price.
zhuliangyu commented 5 years ago

(1) what you've worked on in the previous two weeks?

(2) what you'll be working on in the next two weeks?

(3) where you might have gotten stuck during the last two weeks.

hlee2052 commented 5 years ago
Patpatpatrick commented 5 years ago