Patreon / patreon-js

Use the Patreon API via OAuth.
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Does this not work with API v2? #32

Open skeddles opened 5 years ago

skeddles commented 5 years ago

According to this thread, it wont work with v2?

OKNoah commented 4 years ago

@skeddles There is a fork that claims to support V2 better:

@emosesPatreon @21echoes Can anyone at Patreon confirm the API is not going to be discontinued? The state of this library shows the signs of death for this part of your platform. No commits in over a year. This may be the deal-breaker for me when choosing payment options.

This has led me to research the company's health a little and I found:

“Patreon needs to build new businesses and new services and new revenue lines in order to build a sustainable business,” said Patreon CEO Jack Conte.

So is the API simply not part of the new sustainable business model? That's what it looks like. Would love to get a statement.

skeddles commented 4 years ago

I gave up trying to use this library. Instead I'm just using request.js and requesting the v2 endpoints manually. It's actually pretty easy and I don't think this library is really necessary.

But yes, from what I can see they have completely abandoned the API. They never visit the forum despite saying they do in the docs, which also haven't been updated in forever. Worse yet, it stopped letting me refresh my token, so the API is completely inaccessible to me. Still waiting for them to fix it, had to email support. But that was 10 days ago.

OKNoah commented 4 years ago

@skeddles Wow, I've looked at all their API wrappers and stuff and no updates in a year. Their Wordpress one seems updated, but by another dev. Some @Patreon devs haven't done any code in 3 weeks. I hate being conflicted about choosing something like this :(

jameslanman commented 4 years ago

@skeddles Probably too big of an ask to request a sample of how you did that? ha. I've been fiddling with Google Sheets Apps Script for a couple weeks now trying to get past the Oauth and I can't seem to get any data for the life of me.

emosesPatreon commented 4 years ago

Hi folks, these libraries are intended to be a resource for the community, but we’re not currently equipped to actively maintain them. We will revisit supporting updated libraries as part of our API v2 rollout plan in the future, though we cannot commit to a timeline at the moment.

This guide and the API docs it links to are still up-to-date and should help you get your Oauth flow working. To use API V2 make sure you read up on V2 scopes here, too.

skeddles commented 4 years ago

@emosesPatreon That really sucks as a lot of us depend on the API or are interested in using it. But you could at the very least update the docs on to remove things that are blatantly untrue and likely to confuse / frustrate new users, such as:

"The Patreon Platform is undergoing a version change! V1 is currently our stable version, and V2 is in open beta. Please check back for new functionality, bug fixes, and other API changes."


"For fastest technical help, our engineering team and community leaders are active on our forum at"

As well as recommending the various libraries, which aren't indicated that they need APIv1 (I'm guessing because they haven't been updated since before you started v2).

Is there anything we can do to let Patreon know how important the API is to us?

skeddles commented 4 years ago


Example of using Patreon API v2 with request:

jameslanman commented 4 years ago

Thanks @skeddles !