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useEthers doesn't deactivate account #3

Open grisvladko opened 2 years ago

grisvladko commented 2 years ago

Hello, i am working on the simple example of connect & disconnect to a wallet, i am encountering a problem as so: clicking connect is working, but when i click disconnect the wallet doesn't disconnect fully, and when i reload the page it shows it is connected again. i check this on the metamask GUI and when you hit disconnect you still see on the left top side of the GUI that it is connected, and only if you hit it mannualy and disconnect it, then it works. can you provide some insight on why is this happening? why is the deactivate function does not disconnect my wallet ? Thank you!

PatrickAlphaC commented 2 years ago

Yep, this is an issue with the implementation... sorry. I'll leave this issue open!

grisvladko commented 2 years ago

Thank you, as i've seen when using web3 their function also does not deactivate the wallet fully, though you don't see you are connected on refresh but you can still see that green light and written connected in the metamask GUI, so i suppose it may be a more general problem.