PatrickAlphaC / hardhat-fund-me-fcc

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Ethereum Hardhat Testing on sepolia testnet ,it could not stop #189

Open liuhuxian opened 2 months ago

liuhuxian commented 2 months ago

hi,I am running my test code in the hardhat environment.

my test code is like this

describe("[TEST]FundMe Contract", async () => {
    it("testing", async () => {


when I run the following script, yarn hardhat test

I get the right result

$ /home/tigerjoe/hh-fcc/hardhat-fundme/node_modules/.bin/hardhat test

  [TEST]FundMe Contract
    ✔ testing

but when I test my code on sepolia testnet with following script yarn hardhat test --network sepolia the script just could not stop with the following out put


  [TEST]FundMe Contract

it seems stuck in somewhere i dont know.

please give me some hint what should i do to solve this problem

PatrickAlphaC commented 2 months ago

gm gm! Sorry on my delay, I'm likely going to be archiving these repos soon in favor of using Cyfrin Updraft