PatrickDeloughery / SQL-From-Scratch

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Summary #1

Open siyuan126 opened 6 years ago

siyuan126 commented 6 years ago

Criteria 1: Report Score Level: 3 (Meets Expectations) Comment(s): Your slides are very well designed. The table of contents and splash pages between sections are much appreciated and ease the flow of information. I specially like the way this presentation is organized, you put relevant info on same slides and give background info when necessary, making it very easy to follow and understand. Every answer is expected to have three components: 1) SQL queries, 2) output tables as evidence, 3) text interpreting the query results. I understand that you may want the presentation flow naturally so you don't include the SQL queries on the slide, but I highly recommend you do it. Your supporting text is thorough but to the point, good job! I like the visualization you made of first touch, second touch and purchase. Since they are all categorical data, a histogram chart is a better option.

Criteria 2: Query Accuracy Score Level: 4 (Exceeds Expectations) Comment(s): All queries accurately retrieve the data intended.

Criteria 3: Query Formatting Score Level: 4 (Exceeds Expectations) Comment(s): Queries adhere to the rules of the style guide. Good work using aliases to rename the columns and using indentation to organize your subqueries, both make your queries more readable!

Criteria 4: Understanding underlying concepts and terminology Score Level: 4 (Exceeds Expectations) Comment(s): Report demonstrates a good understanding of the dataset. It shows that you thought about all components of the data and how they link together. You understand the business problems, query the right table to get the results and explain it in a east understood way.

Overall Score: 15/16 Overall, GREAT job! You master the SQL queries, explain the results and make recommendations. This project shows that you have the ability to solve real world business problems using technique skills. I would recommend work on the presentation more, making it less wordy specifically.

PatrickDeloughery commented 6 years ago

Thank you very much. Yes, my presentation skills need some work. I did not include the actual queries because I have never seen code in any presentation; just the results from the code. I envisioned pitching this to company execs where it would be extraneous. When I read the instructions I didn't seen where it said explicitly that the code was needed in the actual slide deck, which is another reason I opted against it. I really appreciate you taken the time to review my project. I learned so much from the course and hope to use it very soon. Take care and thanks again! Patrick.