PatrickE94 / pycalima

Python interface for Pax Calima Fan via Bluetooth LE
Apache License 2.0
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Pairing key discovery #26

Closed xpenno255 closed 1 year ago

xpenno255 commented 1 year ago

Hi, this is not an issue with pycalima so feel free to ignore. I'm trying to create a similar interface for my Vent Axia Multivent extractor. The Pax Calima shares the same android app and from the app source code looks very similar.

My problem is that I'm trying to understand how the app pairs with the software. I can connect various tools to the fan and I can see some characteristics but I can't see a complete list. I believe that this is because I'm not correctly pairing these applications to the fan or there's another step required to retrieve all of the fan statistics.

So if anyone knows then I'd be really interested in how to find the pairing key for the fan, presuming it's similar to this, as it appears to be hard coded into the ventaxia app or something similar.

So far I've tried hcisnoop logs from an android but most packets seem to be truncated. I've tried bluez and some other tools on a raspberry pi and I've also tried nRF connect all of which return the same characteristics.

Any pointers would be fantastic.


xpenno255 commented 1 year ago

Sorry, just checked the Calima videos and it looks like it pairs in a different way to the Sentinel MEV Device