PatrickF1 /

πŸ”πŸŸ Fzf plugin for Fish
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Ctrl+r search seems to overridden #288

Closed xconverge closed 1 year ago

xconverge commented 1 year ago

Before proceeding...

Describe the bug

I did not have fzf_configure_bindings in my config previously because I never customized anything. Now that fish added a newer default ctrl+r implementation I am unsure how to have the fzf implementation be the default version. I tried putting fzf_configure_bindings in my config but it doesn't work, I need to manually execute fzf_configure_bindings to restore the keybinding for the fzf version.

This doesnt seem to be working for me in the config

# Install the default bindings, which are mnemonic and minimally conflict with fish's preset bindings

Steps to reproduce

Install fzf Install fish 3.6.0+ ctrl+r to use new fish reverse search fzf_configure_bindings ctrl+r to use fzf version of reverse search


Versions installed:

Which, if any, configuration variables such as fzf_preview_file_cmd are set?

Additional context

PatrickF1 commented 1 year ago

Hi, yeah that comment is out of date. I did not foresee fish releasing their own reverse-i-search. Now, you need to put fzf_configure_bindings --history= in your to use Ctrl+R for the default. fzf_configure_bindings --help has more info.

FWIW, yesterday I tried the default reverse-i-search and I decided I'll stick with's because it's much better.

xconverge commented 1 year ago

Hi, yeah that comment is out of date. I did not foresee fish releasing their own reverse-i-search. Now, you need to put fzf_configure_bindings --history= in your to use Ctrl+R for the default. fzf_configure_bindings --help has more info.

FWIW, yesterday I tried the default reverse-i-search and I decided I'll stick with's because it's much better.

I came to the same conclusion regarding's vs this new one :)

Thanks, will use this in my config!

xconverge commented 1 year ago

Sorry, I misunderstood that setting. I want to do the opposite of what --history= is doing

On my system, fzf_configure_bindings in my config is not taking over the default so I am stuck with the default fish implementation, I have to run it manually after startup

PatrickF1 commented 1 year ago

On my system, fzf_configure_bindings in my config is not taking over the default so I am stuck with the default fish implementation, I have to run it manually after startup

Oh I see, sorry I misunderstood the issue. Hmmm that is a bug indeed. Let me get back to you...

PatrickF1 commented 1 year ago

So when you run bind, do you see bind -M insert \cr _fzf_search_history several lines below bind --preset \cr history-pager?

xconverge commented 1 year ago

I do not see that exact line, but I do see some \cr entries so I would expect them to be overriden?, I see

bind --preset \cr history-pager
bind --preset \e\ ep fish_clipboard_paste
bind \e\cf _fzf_search_directory
bind \e\cl _fzf_search_git_log
bind \e\cs _fzf_search_git_status
bind \cr fzf-history-widget
bind \e\cp _fzf_search_processes
bind \cv '_fzf_search_variables (set --show | psub) (set --names | psub)'
bind -M insert \e\cf _fzf_search_directory
bind -M insert \e\cl _fzf_search_git_log
bind -M insert \e\cs _fzf_search_git_status
bind -M insert \cr fzf-history-widget
bind -M insert \e\cp _fzf_search_processes
bind -M insert \cv '_fzf_search_variables (set --show | psub) (set --names | psub)'
bind \ct fzf-file-widget
bind \ec fzf-cd-widget
bind -M insert \ct fzf-file-widget
bind -M insert \ec fzf-cd-widget
PatrickF1 commented 1 year ago

I see bind -M insert \cr fzf-history-widget, which comes from a different fzf plugin. The one that ships with fzf. Would recommend uninstalling that. That might be what is overriding's version. See the second line of

xconverge commented 1 year ago

I see, this plugin relies on fzf based on the documentation, and I am using homebrew to install which is causing the problems as you mentioned

Does this mean I need to explicitly unbind this from the other instance and figure out how that syntax works?

I looked at the referenced lines you mentioned and cant find an obvious "add this to config to force override" anywhere

PatrickF1 commented 1 year ago

I think you probably ran $(brew --prefix)/opt/fzf/install and that's the issue. You have to uninstall it now: /opt/homebrew/opt/fzf/uninstall (depending on the output of brew --prefix)

xconverge commented 1 year ago

Great, this seems to work for me, I had done that ages ago, thanks and have a nice day!

PatrickF1 commented 1 year ago

No problem! I need to make this more obvious in the docs NOT to install that and how to install it. Learned something today, thanks.

xconverge commented 1 year ago