PatrickF1 /

🔍🐟 Fzf plugin for Fish
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[Documentation] preview cmd variables must be exported to be read by _fzf_preview_file #316

Closed Susensio closed 9 months ago

Susensio commented 9 months ago

This took me a while to debug. When setting fzf_preview_file_cmd and fzf_preview_dir_cmd as stated in example:

set fzf_preview_dir_cmd eza --all --color=always
set fzf_preview_file_cmd cat -n

those settings are not honored. This is because (I think) _fzf_preview_file is executed in a subshell by fzf.

I've tried to export those variables:

set -x fzf_preview_dir_cmd eza --all --color=always
set -x fzf_preview_file_cmd cat -n

with no luck

Susensio commented 9 months ago

Sorry, I was guarding some part of my config with if not status is-interactive and that was the problem.

PatrickF1 commented 9 months ago

Hi, did you see How can I reword that so it's easier for people to find?

Susensio commented 9 months ago

Well, I think you did well, I just didn't thought of checking the wiki..

I have a conf.d/ file that configures this plugin, and some parts need to be guarded in case I'm bootstraping fisher

# Better dir and file previews
set fzf_preview_dir_cmd preview
set fzf_preview_file_cmd preview

# Edit with nvim on search-directory
set fzf_directory_opts --bind "ctrl-e:execute($EDITOR {} &> /dev/tty)"

# Exclude the command timestamp from the search scope when in Search History
set fzf_history_opts "--nth=4.."

# Make history respect chronological order
set fzf_history_opts --no-sort

# Not neccesary if not interactive, besides this guards on bootstrap
if not status is-interactive

# Default bindings but bind Search Directory to Ctrl+F and Search Variables to Ctrl+Alt+V prepending $
fzf_configure_bindings --directory=\cf --variables=

This needs to be guarded because fzf_configure_bindings does not exist on boostrap until I do a fisher update

For reference, how I bootstrap fisher:

```fish # Do not pollute fish config folder, use a subfolder # if set -q XDG_CONFIG_HOME set -gx fisher_path $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fish/fisher else set -gx fisher_path $HOME/.config/fish/fisher end set fish_function_path $fish_function_path[1] $fisher_path/functions $fish_function_path[2..-1] set fish_complete_path $fish_complete_path[1] $fisher_path/completions $fish_complete_path[2..-1] # Automatic things only in interactive mode if status is-interactive if not functions -q fisher echo "Fisher not found, installing..." curl -sL | source && fisher update || fisher install "jorgebucaran/fisher" end end for file in $fisher_path/conf.d/*.fish source $file end ```