Write a program that advises a driver on what to do when approaching a traffic light that could be functioning normally, blinking, or out of service, depending on the time of day.
The advise to the driver is based on the combined conditions of trafficLight and timeOfDay.
Initialize two variables: trafficLight with values possible as "red", "green", "yellow", "blinking", or "none" (for out of service), and timeOfDay with values as "day" or "night".
First, check the status of the trafficLight.
If the light is "green", respond "Go".
If the light is "yellow", respond "Slow down".
If the light is "red", respond "Stop".
If the light is "blinking", you'll need to check timeOfDay:
During the day, respond "Proceed with caution".
During the night, respond "Stop, then proceed with caution".
If the light is "none" (out of service), check timeOfDay:
During the day, respond "Stop, then proceed when safe".
During the night, respond "Use the light as a stop sign".
Tip: Switch-Case may be easier to use here than IF/ELSE.
Write a program that advises a driver on what to do when approaching a traffic light that could be functioning normally, blinking, or out of service, depending on the time of day.
Tip: Switch-Case may be easier to use here than IF/ELSE.