PatrickLib / captcha_recognize

Image Recognition captcha without image segmentation 无需图片分割的验证码识别
Apache License 2.0
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what result mean trainning is finished #18

Open skanger opened 5 years ago

skanger commented 5 years ago

the loss is reduce to 0 when step 170 , but it don't stop, i pressed 'ctrl+c' breaked it, then try to eval and recognize, but the result of recognize is so bad,

can i break the train when loss equal 0? or it will finished , i need't do that?

skanger commented 5 years ago

now, it is step 2000 , every single step loss is 0, but is keep traniing my train set has only 3 pictures, but my mac is old, how can i know it is finished

LxKxC commented 5 years ago

now, it is step 2000 , every single step loss is 0, but is keep traniing my train set has only 3 pictures, but my mac is old, how can i know it is finished


LxKxC commented 5 years ago

now, it is step 2000 , every single step loss is 0, but is keep traniing my train set has only 3 pictures, but my mac is old, how can i know it is finished

skanger commented 5 years ago

@LxKxC I got "Saving . in ./captcha_train/captcha" too. Does it could be used as train set result? if I keep trainning , it will help the result better ? Thanks for you reply.

LxKxC commented 5 years ago

@skanger I don't think that using the same picture to repeat training can improve the recognition rate. Let me talk about my understanding:

LxKxC commented 5 years ago

@skanger I asked a friend from China who told me: 随着训练次数的上升,残差平方和会下降,但你需要控制防止过拟合 Translation into English generally means: As the number of training increases, the sum of squared residuals will decrease, but you need to control to prevent overfitting