PatrickSannes / BetterLogic

A advanced logic library for homey
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How to use a flow for weather conditions using BetterLogic #26

Closed hanshoevenaars closed 6 years ago

hanshoevenaars commented 6 years ago

Hello my name is Hans Hoevenaars-Beach

I do not understand how things work on this site, but ill have a go. If this problem is already discussed i give my apologies, and like to know where.

A few days ago i got a Netatmo weather station and windmeter. I got these because i have sunscreens. The Netatmo gives me a reading of the wind speed, wind direction (0-360 degrees) and temperature.

My problem is this. When the wind is coming towards my house between 90 dgr (East) and up to 270 dgr (west) faster then 35 kmh. The sunscreens rips apart. In other words. They should not come down when the wind is from a wrong direction. Or when they are down they should come up when the wind has changed to a wrong direction.

When the wind is coming from behind the house lower dan 90 dgr down till 0 dgr (East to North) and/or 270 dgr up to 360 dgr (West to north) it is not a problem to have the screens down, even when the wind is higher then 35 kmh. They could stay down until 50 kmh. In other words. When it gets hot and windy from these directions in this situation it is not a problem to have the screens down.

I have used a App called Open weather map, but the problem is when the wind changes it takes a long time before it is seen by Homey (delay internet etc).

I use the Apps Better Logic, Countdown and the apps in Homey. So far i have not a clue how to get this working. Special the problem 360 degrees circle in the wind-rose in regards to wind-direction. For instants i can not say if the wind direction is not between 200 degrees up to 360 (0)degrees and then further up the circle to 90 degrees do lower the screen. Or when i say if the wind direction is more then 90 and less then 200 degrees do not lower the screens. There is were it goes wrong its a circle. Love to here from anyone out there than knows how to tackle this problem.

Sorry for my English (I am Dutch).

Best regards,

Hans Hoevenaars-Beach


PatrickSannes commented 6 years ago

Please use the forum for questions about functionality. There many people can help and probably respond faster then I do ;) also other people can then use those answers to learn from it.