PatrickSannes / BetterLogic

A advanced logic library for homey
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Issues after update to 1.0.2. on V2 #36

Closed fvhuizen closed 5 years ago

fvhuizen commented 5 years ago

After updating to 1.0.2 it seems Homey is not triggering the IF card "One of these variables changed" It works only when i manualy trigger the flows. The problems occured after i tried to make all variables in the standard Homey solution "Logic" but that wasn't working for me and Homey acted wrong. So i setup Better Logic again, did PTP afterwards because i missed the BL variables in the app settings. Ever since it doesn't trigger the function i mentioned.

I also tried to replace logic cards, rebooted Better Logic a couple of times and PTP again some times.

SailingDuck commented 5 years ago

Can you show the card as you entered it? It needs to have the exact names in it separated with a comma. Tested this myself and seemed to work here: image

fvhuizen commented 5 years ago

img_8481 This is not working in my case, but before the latest upgrade i did work.

SailingDuck commented 5 years ago

Don't think it worked as the underlying code tries to split at commas. Maybe it works if you add commas in between? Never tried this with tags actually 😄

fvhuizen commented 5 years ago

Yes you're right, no i typed it, it all works again. I will try it with tags and comma's again and see if that works.

fvhuizen commented 5 years ago

img_8482 This is not working either, so the only option is to type the tekst, better to remove the option to drop a tag. Or to make it working with tags.

SailingDuck commented 5 years ago

Thnx for notifying, I have to look what the input is with tags. Should be possible to get this to work I guess.

fvhuizen commented 5 years ago

thx, glad i found it because you point me the issue.