PatrikHlobil / Pandas-Bokeh

Bokeh Plotting Backend for Pandas and GeoPandas
MIT License
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automatically adjust colormap_range in geoplot #18

Open EdoVanUitert opened 5 years ago

EdoVanUitert commented 5 years ago

This is a really nice and useful package, thanks for developing it!

When I plot a map from a geopandas df using plot_bokeh, as in

plot_html=df_merge.plot_bokeh( figsize=(600, 600), dropdown=['colA','colB'], )

and select two columns in the dropdown menu, colA and colB, the colormap_range is automatically chosen to be the max range of both columns. If the ranges of both columns are very different, this only looks good for the column with the largest range, and not for the other. Is it possible to have the colormap_range automatically adjust to show the range of the selected column?

PatrikHlobil commented 5 years ago


nice to hear that you like Pandas Bokeh. I already tried to implement your enhancement proposal, however I couldn't directly find the javascript api for the colormapper. When I have time I will try to have a look at this, because I also would like this behaviour, or at least the option to see that.



EdoVanUitert commented 5 years ago


Thanks a lot for looking into this. I'll keep an eye out for updates here.

Best regards,


apsamuel commented 3 years ago

Any luck on getting this one sorted out? It would be a great feature addition