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Engines not working #10

Closed Athrekas closed 5 years ago

Athrekas commented 6 years ago

If I use the docker-start-engines script, it creates all the dockers but not show up on the Engines interface. If I create a docker manually, the same thing happens. Adding a scan engine via web seems to not work.



Athrekas commented 6 years ago

Going to try and install without dockers to see if the error is docker related.

MaKyOtOx commented 6 years ago

any updates ?

joaodomingos commented 6 years ago

Having the same problem with dockers, I run nmap engine in a docker instance with the IP so when I configure the new engine, the URL should be "" right?

MaKyOtOx commented 5 years ago

Yes, the URL is right (if the engine actually expose the TCP port 5001 on ip iface ;)).

Try to start the docker engine using this command (using the docker image hosted on Docker Hub): docker run -d --rm -p 5001:5001 --name="nmap-docker-001" -v nmap.json.sample:/opt/patrowl-engines/nmap/nmap.json:ro patrowl/engine-nmap

emilva commented 5 years ago

Hi, same problem where. When running docker run -d --rm -p 5001:5001 --name="nmap-docker-001" -v nmap.json.sample:/opt/patrowl-engines/nmap/nmap.json:ro patrowl/engine-nmap I get docker: Error response from daemon: source is not directory.

FYI I am standing in the PatrowlEngines/engines/nmap directory, so the file nmap.json file is available.

MaKyOtOx commented 5 years ago

Hi, I've reproduced the bug. There is an issue with the path used to mont the file/volume in the docker container. Try this command: docker run -d --rm -p 5001:5001 --name="nmap-docker-001" -v $(pwd)/nmap.json.sample:/opt/patrowl-engines/nmap/nmap.json:ro patrowl/engine-nmap

emilva commented 5 years ago

Thanks, that fixed it!

exenin commented 5 years ago

I had a problem where the docker engine container could not communicate with django container. This was due to them being on different docker networks. docker inspect patrowl-django

          "Networks": {                                                                                                               │n-censys,monitor-censys --purge --without-mingle --without-gossip -Ofair
                "**patrowlmanager_default**": {

so when running my engines i just add the --network=patrowlmanager_default flag to each. Then patrowl-django management can add engines using the docker engines container name when adding to engines in management