PatrykBielanin / discord-cyberpunk2077-theme

Theme for Better Discord inspired by Cyberpunk 2077 UI
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Another discord update broke the theme #15

Open Sizzuns opened 2 weeks ago

Sizzuns commented 2 weeks ago

After yesterday's update, the theme broke down again, making many elements gray and not matching the rest

Pashetas commented 2 weeks ago

Yep, can confirm the same happenend to me too. Its same as last time it happened.

Tupraa commented 2 weeks ago

Same issue here

Maicouh commented 2 weeks ago


Omega172 commented 2 weeks ago

Fixed in my PR

GukeyGuke commented 1 week ago

Fixed in my PR #16

You are a hero.

haydnthehurst commented 1 week ago

Fixed in my PR #16

You're awesome, thank you!

jigglesworthbinglebob commented 1 week ago

Fixed in my PR #16

that does seem to have fixed the majority of it, although the headings for "text channels" and "voice channels" and their associated dropdown menu seem to be the wrong color (i'm using the provided screenshots as reference). any fix or is it my own user error?

Sizzuns commented 1 week ago

Fixed in my PR #16

Awesome, thank you

Sizzuns commented 1 week ago

Fixed in my PR #16

that does seem to have fixed the majority of it, although the headings for "text channels" and "voice channels" and their associated dropdown menu seem to be the wrong color (i'm using the provided screenshots as reference). any fix or is it my own user error?

This should help .defaultColor_e9e35f{ color: var(--neon-blue-color) !important; }

jigglesworthbinglebob commented 1 week ago

Fixed in my PR #16

that does seem to have fixed the majority of it, although the headings for "text channels" and "voice channels" and their associated dropdown menu seem to be the wrong color (i'm using the provided screenshots as reference). any fix or is it my own user error?

This should help .defaultColor_e9e35f{ color: var(--neon-blue-color) !important; }

where should I put this line in? i took a look at both css files and didn't see a line it would replace but maybe i missed it.

Sizzuns commented 1 week ago

Fixed in my PR #16

that does seem to have fixed the majority of it, although the headings for "text channels" and "voice channels" and their associated dropdown menu seem to be the wrong color (i'm using the provided screenshots as reference). any fix or is it my own user error?

This should help .defaultColor_e9e35f{ color: var(--neon-blue-color) !important; }

where should I put this line in? i took a look at both css files and didn't see a line it would replace but maybe i missed it.

Open discord settings then go to themes, and click the "pen icon" next to your theme. The editor window will pop up. Scroll to the bottom and paste it in new line.

Silent-legent commented 3 days ago

Fixed in my PR #16

is there a way that u can fix this; if u go to like chats with friends etc, the logo in the corner has yellow around it also if i look at ss in better discord the logo should be red but it isnt

Sizzuns commented 3 days ago

Fixed in my PR #16

is there a way that u can fix this; if u go to like chats with friends etc, the logo in the corner has yellow around it also if i look at ss in better discord the logo should be red but it isnt

Try this. probably not how it should be styled, but it works

`.childWrapper_f90abb{ color: var(--neon-red-color) !important; } .childWrapper_f90abb:hover, .childWrapper_f90abb .warpper_f90abb.selected_f090abb .childWrapper_f90abb { background-color: var(--neon-yellow-color) !important; }

.tutorialContainer_f9623d .selected_dfb2f8, .listItemWrapper_dfb2f8 .selected_dfb2f8 { background-color: var(--neon-yellow-color) !important; border-radius:1rem;


Silent-legent commented 3 days ago

.childWrapper_f90abb{ color: var(--neon-red-color) !important; } .childWrapper_f90abb:hover, .childWrapper_f90abb .warpper_f90abb.selected_f090abb .childWrapper_f90abb { background-color: var(--neon-yellow-color) !important; }

.tutorialContainer_f9623d .selected_dfb2f8, .listItemWrapper_dfb2f8 .selected_dfb2f8 { background-color: var(--neon-yellow-color) !important; border-radius:1rem;


just put in new line?

Silent-legent commented 3 days ago

Fixed in my PR #16

is there a way that u can fix this; if u go to like chats with friends etc, the logo in the corner has yellow around it also if i look at ss in better discord the logo should be red but it isnt

Try this. probably not how it should be styled, but it works

`.childWrapper_f90abb{ color: var(--neon-red-color) !important; } .childWrapper_f90abb:hover, .childWrapper_f90abb .warpper_f90abb.selected_f090abb .childWrapper_f90abb { background-color: var(--neon-yellow-color) !important; }

.tutorialContainer_f9623d .selected_dfb2f8, .listItemWrapper_dfb2f8 .selected_dfb2f8 { background-color: var(--neon-yellow-color) !important; border-radius:1rem;


image image

Sizzuns commented 3 days ago

Fixed in my PR #16

is there a way that u can fix this; if u go to like chats with friends etc, the logo in the corner has yellow around it also if i look at ss in better discord the logo should be red but it isnt

Try this. probably not how it should be styled, but it works .childWrapper_f90abb{ color: var(--neon-red-color) !important; } .childWrapper_f90abb:hover, .childWrapper_f90abb .warpper_f90abb.selected_f090abb .childWrapper_f90abb { background-color: var(--neon-yellow-color) !important; } .tutorialContainer_f9623d .selected_dfb2f8, .listItemWrapper_dfb2f8 .selected_dfb2f8 { background-color: var(--neon-yellow-color) !important; border-radius:1rem; }

image image

looking at the screen from website image it looks the same

Silent-legent commented 3 days ago

Fixed in my PR #16

is there a way that u can fix this; if u go to like chats with friends etc, the logo in the corner has yellow around it also if i look at ss in better discord the logo should be red but it isnt

Try this. probably not how it should be styled, but it works .childWrapper_f90abb{ color: var(--neon-red-color) !important; } .childWrapper_f90abb:hover, .childWrapper_f90abb .warpper_f90abb.selected_f090abb .childWrapper_f90abb { background-color: var(--neon-yellow-color) !important; } .tutorialContainer_f9623d .selected_dfb2f8, .listItemWrapper_dfb2f8 .selected_dfb2f8 { background-color: var(--neon-yellow-color) !important; border-radius:1rem; }

image image

looking at the screen from website image it looks the same

ik, idk how it sould look if u in a dm but beside that being blue it works it's better than what it was before aka; image

thank u

Sizzuns commented 3 days ago

i tried to make it look like i remebered (when you are in dm page). I suck at css but somehow i managed to repaired it, so i'm glad you like it

Sizzuns commented 3 days ago

for me it looks like this image

Silent-legent commented 3 days ago

for me it looks like this image

u on app or website?

Sizzuns commented 3 days ago

for me it looks like this image

u on app or website?


Silent-legent commented 3 days ago

for me it looks like this image

u on app or website?


maybe thats the isue, i cant check atm (or its a vencord isue) or i did sum wrong with pasting it in idk

Silent-legent commented 3 days ago

.childWrapper_f90abb{ color: var(--neon-red-color) !important; } .childWrapper_f90abb:hover, .childWrapper_f90abb .warpper_f90abb.selected_f090abb .childWrapper_f90abb { background-color: var(--neon-yellow-color) !important; }

.tutorialContainer_f9623d .selected_dfb2f8, .listItemWrapper_dfb2f8 .selected_dfb2f8 { background-color: var(--neon-yellow-color) !important; border-radius:1rem;


if i hover over it, it is fully yellow only its blue when om not (with lil yellow around the notif amount)

Sizzuns commented 3 days ago

I see that when I refreshed the discord it looks like yours. Like I said, I suck at css so I apologize that not everything works, I will try to fix it and if I can get it to work as expected i will send fixed code.

sorry for my English ;x

Silent-legent commented 3 days ago

.childWrapper_f90abb{ color: var(--neon-red-color) !important; } .childWrapper_f90abb:hover, .childWrapper_f90abb .warpper_f90abb.selected_f090abb .childWrapper_f90abb { background-color: var(--neon-yellow-color) !important; }

.tutorialContainer_f9623d .selected_dfb2f8, .listItemWrapper_dfb2f8 .selected_dfb2f8 { background-color: var(--neon-yellow-color) !important; border-radius:1rem;


dw bro :), u alr did a great job with coloring the logo, if u get it to work il prob see it late af, since i dont rll use github

EDIT; if i have it corect the yellow part is there but for sum reason the blue is just over it (prob a isue with the hover state of the icon (or thats what gpt tries to removeif i give code to him(he aint rll helping tbh))

Sizzuns commented 3 days ago

image It looks like this now

  color: var(--neon-blue-color) !important;

  color: var(--neon-red-color) !important;

.childWrapper_f90abb:hover, .childWrapper_f90abb
.warpper_f90abb.selected_f090abb .childWrapper_f90abb,
.childWrapperNoHoverBg_f90abb {
 background-color: var(--neon-yellow-color) !important;

.tutorialContainer_f9623d .selected_dfb2f8, .listItemWrapper_dfb2f8 .selected_dfb2f8 {
  background-color: var(--neon-yellow-color) !important;

Sizzuns commented 3 days ago

.childWrapper_f90abb{ color: var(--neon-red-color) !important; } .childWrapper_f90abb:hover, .childWrapper_f90abb .warpper_f90abb.selected_f090abb .childWrapper_f90abb { background-color: var(--neon-yellow-color) !important; } .tutorialContainer_f9623d .selected_dfb2f8, .listItemWrapper_dfb2f8 .selected_dfb2f8 { background-color: var(--neon-yellow-color) !important; border-radius:1rem; }

dw bro :), u alr did a great job with coloring the logo, if u get it to work il prob see it late af, since i dont rll use github

EDIT; if i have it corect the yellow part is there but for sum reason the blue is just over it (prob a isue with the hover state of the icon (or thats what gpt tries to removeif i give code to him(he aint rll helping tbh))

yeah i missed ".childWrapperNoHoverBg_f90abb" but i send a fixed code above

Silent-legent commented 3 days ago

.childWrapper_f90abb{ color: var(--neon-red-color) !important; } .childWrapper_f90abb:hover, .childWrapper_f90abb .warpper_f90abb.selected_f090abb .childWrapper_f90abb { background-color: var(--neon-yellow-color) !important; } .tutorialContainer_f9623d .selected_dfb2f8, .listItemWrapper_dfb2f8 .selected_dfb2f8 { background-color: var(--neon-yellow-color) !important; border-radius:1rem; }

dw bro :), u alr did a great job with coloring the logo, if u get it to work il prob see it late af, since i dont rll use github EDIT; if i have it corect the yellow part is there but for sum reason the blue is just over it (prob a isue with the hover state of the icon (or thats what gpt tries to removeif i give code to him(he aint rll helping tbh))

yeah i missed ".childWrapperNoHoverBg_f90abb" but i send a fixed code above

now we have the isue of the yelow around the logo when u not in a dm; this sould work 'if u can make it better idm (this what gpt gave me)

"/ Base logo color / .childWrapper_f90abb { color: var(--neon-red-color) !important; background-color: transparent !important; / No background when not in DM / }

/ Background color when hovering or selected in general / .childWrapper_f90abb:hover, .warpper_f90abb.selected_f090abb .childWrapper_f90abb { background-color: var(--neon-yellow-color) !important; }

/ Handle the tutorial and list items / .tutorialContainer_f9623d .selected_dfb2f8, .listItemWrapper_dfb2f8 .selected_dfb2f8 { background-color: var(--neon-yellow-color) !important; border-radius: 1rem; }

/ Additional specific rules for DM context / .childWrapper_f90abb.selected_f090abb, .childWrapper_f90abb.dm_selected { background-color: var(--neon-yellow-color) !important; }

/ Ensure no background color when not in DM / :not(.selected_f090abb):not(.dm_selected) .childWrapper_f90abb { background-color: transparent !important; }"

Silent-legent commented 3 days ago

i dont rll know, if u hover over the icon without u being in a dm, did it get the yellow around it or not?

Sizzuns commented 3 days ago

what about now?

  color: var(--neon-blue-color) !important;

  color: var(--neon-red-color) !important;

.childWrapper_f90abb:hover, .childWrapper_f90abb
.warpper_f90abb.selected_f090abb .childWrapper_f90abb,
.childWrapperNoHoverBg_f90abb {
 background-color: var(--neon-yellow-color) !important;

.tutorialContainer_f9623d .selected_dfb2f8, .listItemWrapper_dfb2f8 .selected_dfb2f8 {
  background-color: transparent !important;

Silent-legent commented 3 days ago

didnt fix for me

Sizzuns commented 3 days ago

it's hard for me to try something else, because everything works for me :/

Silent-legent commented 3 days ago

it's hard for me to try something else, because everything works for me :/

yh, but i gave a lil code above that works for me

Silent-legent commented 3 days ago

it's hard for me to try something else, because everything works for me :/

but thank you for ur help, couldnt have got a it fixed without 👍 :)