Patrykz94 / KSP-RO-Booster-Landing

A booster landing script using the kOS mod for Kerbal Space Program
MIT License
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Rewrite the script to make it smaller and use a separate launch script #9

Open Patrykz94 opened 7 years ago

Patrykz94 commented 7 years ago

I'm rewriting the whole script to make it smaller, run faster (hopefully) and make it work with the awesome PEGAS launch script made by @Noiredd, istead of using my "Just get it up there somehow" launch script. I guess I'll need to figure out how to make his script stage at the right time but that shouldn't be too hard.

Noiredd commented 7 years ago

Should be fairly easy to set up PEGAS on the upper stage and have the booster wait until separation - even without patches to PEGAS, I think :)
How did you solve the issue with physics range? Or is it no longer a problem? I admit I'm not entirely up-to-date on a past few months of KSP updates.

Patrykz94 commented 7 years ago

There is a Physics Range Extender mod although I never actually used it (I heard it can cause physics glitches). So far I only really concentrated on the first stage and the upper stage is just pointing prograde and switching the engine on. I'll probably use the FMRS mod to switch back to the first stage after second stage is already in orbit.

As for separation, right now I have a function that keeps calculating the deltaV left in the first stage if it was to separate right now. I calculate how much I'll need for landing, reentry and optionally boostback burns, and separate once my deltaV is below threshold (I'm making the deltaV requirement somewhat flexible for the reentry burn). I also added code that first shuts down the 8 outer engines and gradually throttles down the center one for added accuracy which will be useful for drone ship landings (and it looks kind of cool I think). So it would be best if I could trigger the staging sequence by maybe sending a message or saving a file on the second stage CPU. Alternatively, I'd need to pre-calculate the staging time I guess. I'll have a proper look at it when I'm back from holiday.

AlphaMike741 commented 6 years ago

Regarding the physics range issue I've made a custom ad-hoc S2 script for myself and can confirm FMRS works fine with kOS . IMO FMRS is the way to go.