Pauan / SaltyBetBot

Bot which automatically bets on
39 stars 12 forks source link

Bot is betting $1 every round. #28

Closed NuclearSeahorse closed 3 years ago

NuclearSeahorse commented 3 years ago

Tested in tournament and matchmaking. It always bets $1. It's also only betting red in the tournament but that could just be coincidence as I've only used it in this one tournament so far. Using Chrome Version 86.0.4240.111 (Official Build) (64-bit). (the gif was a bit longer than planned, but it shows it at the end.) 2I0I9ALFTR


I've been going through the old issue threads and it looks like it happened before when the twitch chat gets updated?

This is from inspecting the chat on


Pauan commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the report. It's working okay for me, maybe WAIFU4u was temporarily down (which has happened before).

Moodbone commented 3 years ago

Issue still happening for me on Chrome Version 87.0.4280.88 (Official Build) (64-bit) on a fresh install with no other extensions. At first it takes around 5-10 minutes to even start betting, shows no stats on the overlay, and then bets $1 on every fight. Also confirmed that WAIFU4u hasn't crashed and has consistently been in the stream chat updating matchups. Multiple reinstalls/refreshes and the issue is recreated every time. This time, SaltyBet has been running for around 2 days straight and the bot has been consistently betting only $1 and not showing stats.

Kilvoctu commented 3 years ago

Echoing the above experiences. Fresh install into Chrome Version 87.0.4280.141 (Official Build) (64-bit). The SaltyBetBot is the only extension running. At least 5 minutes before the bot starts betting, and it will always bet $1 on red even in tournaments. No stats. Same console warnings. waifu4u has been running properly. This behavior has been observed for multiple days. Not sure what SaltyBetBot isn't seeing which is causing it to do fallback bet.

edit: I gave up on this for about a week and worked on a SaltyBet userstyle for Firefox in the interim. Switched over to Chrome tonight to do compatibility, and SaltyBetBot now works partially; roughly half of matches is a non-$1 bet with stats. This is in Matchmaking. It also had started to bet immediately. Will follow up with Tournament functionality when it comes around (bot all-in'd properly on two tournaments). Only difference is that I'm running additional extensions Stylus and uBlock Origin (though before I'd tried with uBlock Origin enabled and disabled). I don't know if it takes a couple weeks for the bot to begin to function or not, but it may explain why the other users have not followed up on the issue.

3ad25zxs commented 3 years ago

Not entirely sure if I messed something up somewhere and the rest of you figured it out, but yeah, it takes a few minutes to start betting initially, then just bets $1 on red, tournament, normal match, doesn't matter

It's the only extension I have installed

Version 88.0.4324.146 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Kilvoctu commented 3 years ago

Would need the dev to confirm, of course, but I think the bot needs time to read all the historical match data and apply into its simulation.
I'm no programmer by profession, but what I gather from reading over the code is that there's a minimum match data needed before the bot starts betting, and until then it does the fallback bet of $1 on red. I suspect this is why dev recommends exporting match records, just in case, when updating the bot.

This bot has been running on my machine for about a month now, and it's much more consistent on making non-$1 bets.

3ad25zxs commented 3 years ago

I swapped to opera gx, and it works perfectly.

Seems to be an issue just on chrome?

Pauan commented 3 years ago

@Kilvoctu The bot includes data for several years, so it should be betting immediately, there is no "warmup" period.

I still haven't been able to reproduce this with any browser (it works fine in Brave and Chrome for me).

These are the only situations that could cause it to bet $1:

In practice the only time it bets $1 for me is during exhibitions.

The only thing I can think of is that maybe you don't have enough RAM, so it isn't able to load the data (the data requires about 800 MB of RAM).

Kilvoctu commented 3 years ago

Dunno about others, but my machine has 16GB RAM installed. Under normal operating conditions, my machine RAM usage is ~6-10GB used. Not sure what was causing it to consistently do fallback bet before, or why it began to mostly work with no changes to hardware. As noted above, it does still rarely not load data at times. My machine has a fairly old i5 3570k. I dunno the specifics of how the bot works, if it's given a certain amount of time to load data and run sim before going to fallback bet.

Pauan commented 3 years ago

Thanks to Robmonster, I have fixed this in the latest version, please upgrade.