Pauan / rust-dominator

Zero-cost ultra-high-performance declarative DOM library using FRP signals for Rust!
MIT License
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use trunk to build an example, to workaround wasm-pack apple arm bug #57

Closed alsuren closed 2 years ago

alsuren commented 2 years ago

When building your examples on my new laptop, I ran across

As a work-around, I ported the todomvc example to use trunk. This probably won't be useful for anyone other than me, and the correct answer is probably to fix the upstream wasm-pack bug.

Note that I have no idea what lib/todomvc-common/base.js is (something about Underscore and Learn?). I just copied them both over unchanged.

If porting to trunk is something that you are interested in, I'm happy to do the rest of the examples. If not, please close this PR. I won't be offended.

Pauan commented 2 years ago

Thanks, but I would really much rather stick with Rollup:

Perhaps one day Trunk will be a viable alternative, but right now it's too immature to be used in production.

Note that I have no idea what lib/todomvc-common/base.js is (something about Underscore and Learn?). I just copied them both over unchanged.

Those files used to be required by the TodoMVC spec, but it appears that they've changed to use npm dependencies, so perhaps I should update that.

alsuren commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your feedback. That makes sense. I will close this pr and have another stab at getting wasm-pack to work on my machine.

I'm still learning about rust web frameworks, but so far I have been really impressed by the architecture of futures-signals. My current task is to port parts of a web-sys-based single-page-app to use a web framework, and see whether it makes things easier to work with, without sacrificing too much performance. Rust-dominator is leading the way at the moment. I will tell you how the port goes on discord :-D.